The dim room is brightly lit for a moment as several beams of light and fire lance out. One glances off and impacts the wall behind. The rest however connect, and chips of dark stone fly off. The statue remains largely intact.
Out of Character: Geoffroy, with Scorching ray and targeted spells like it, add +5 for the attack rolls, but +0 on the damage. Guiding Bolt helped G's first ray hit.
Fay looks in and sees barely any damage done to the statue. He volunteers, "We could leave this here and look for the scroll of which Nyzahr spoke. Then we could send this to those on the other side. Mayhaps this would cause strife between two forces which seem to be allies of a sort today. But this course may bring risk."
Nyzahr answers to Fay's idea with a simple image flash:
- The One Called Azbara Will Be Expecting His Slaves As A Scroll Does Its Work Of Opening. Without The Slaves The Fat One Will Suspect Treachery From These Ones.
She returns her attention to the half-dragon infant as it starts bawling profusely, his hunger and distress now clearly obvious. To Fay again:
- This One Must Find The Mother Kobold. Does The Noble Son Control The Magic Of Charm ? The Mother Must Be Convinced.
Geoffroy gives a sigh of frustration, before looking to the wood elf and saying, "It appears that our spells were not strong enough. It is tougher then we hoped." The Morningliege felt though this was to be expected, as an alter to a deity was unlikely to be something so easily destroyed.
Turning to the half-elf, he says to Fay, "Your suggestion has merit, though again we have no idea how strong are those on the other side." It could work, but it did carry an element of risk. Geoffroy will want to make sure everyone was willing to agree with such before moving forward.
The Morningliege turns to Nyzahr, before saying to her, "Yes, perhaps we should leave the alter be for now and find that kobold in charge of the nursery and see what we can work out." Geoffroy hopes that creature will prefer not to get into any trouble, and show willingness to help them. This would be better then the possible alternatives, counting possibly the need to kill her which his conscience was against. Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jun, 2017 - 10:54pm
Fay looks at Geoffroy and says, "I speak Draconic. I can parley with creature. I also recommend we find the torture chamber, there were two who were tortured to death there and we may be able to gain some knowledge, as well as take care of the ignoble manner in which they were left."
Out of Character: okay, I take it at least a few people are splitting off to get the kobold's help.
In Character: You find the door jammed up again, but it is simple enough to open, the occupant was unable to erect a really effective barricade.
You find long rows of half dragon infants in here, their minder, a very old female kobold, once more stands between them and the intruders. She is weak, and frightened, but she seems determined not to abandon her charges.