Geoffroy waits for his companions to get into position, readying his morningstar and shield though advises his squire to stay back for now. He will begin charging towards the front team once they are able to offer their surprise attacks.
Lia's eyes reveal surprise as she hears the loud noise in the distance. She will race forward to get within range of her dark vision. Once she does so she will nock an arrow and loose it at any likely target. (Mage, leader, etc.)
Out of Character: : Daishain, are there any obvious targets visible?
Surprise Round
A roaring noise is heard and a troll bursts onto the scene! It looks angry, and ready to strike. This is more than enough to get the attention of the enemy, as they go scrambling for weapons and start backing away from the large creature.
Cratol and Fay move forward together, taking down both of the nearest guards with a series of blows from fist and scimitar. One man spots them, and start shouting about the new threat, he even looses an arrow at Fay, but it misses
[Only one guy manages to not be surprised, and he wasted it by missing :P 2 down, 22 still standing. Lia and any others in the rear group attacking at range will be able to fire next round, meleers in that group will be able to strike in two rounds.]
Fay feels the arrow come close and sees the man who fired it. He begins singing a song of sleep aimed centered the man nearest to him and meant to take in the man who shot an arrow at him if possible. If not, he will center it so that it affects the greatest number of the enemy. Once he finishes that song he looks at Cratol, smiles, and sings a song of great warrior monks to inspire him.
Out of Character: Fay casts sleep at 3rd level and Cratol gets a D8 inspiration die that he can use within the next ten minutes.