Poljen's breath is taken away as the dark magic saps his vitality, but somehow he knows it could have been much worse. He lets out his battle yell, "Hya!" and determines to do more to help in the battle.
Out of Character: : Reckless on the attacks this time…
Nyzahr invokes her bardic powers and whistles a lullaby under her breath as she blows a little cloud of silvery dust towards the fighters standing next to the enemy cleric: hopefully she manages to get a clear path towards this man and bring an end to him and the dark and dangerous power he seems to be wielding…
Out of Character:
Casting Sleep spell on a level 3 slot towards the cleric and the group surrounding him (So, past the 4 already under the influence of Bane).
Daishain, quick question: did the damage Nyzahr just sustained on round 3 come from the cleric sapping magic or an actual attack from an enemy fighter ? She has been careful to remain away from the circle of light emanating from the campfire and still hides into the shadows as best as she can, while casting spells and (Badly) shooting bolts.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 22nd Jun, 2017 - 9:04pm
Lia sees the spell that weakens Poljen. She knows that this cleric must be stopped as soon as possible. Clasping the amulet she calls upon Sune again. " Sune, help me strike true and stop this evil. " A white light shoots from her hand towards the cleric.
Out of Character: : She casts Guiding Bolt at level 2 again at the cleric. Once again advantage to the next attack versus the cleric.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Jun, 2017 - 1:59am
Geoffroy will try another spell, hoping for a better effect. Noticing how the mage was bringing issues for his companions, the cleric will again call upon Lathander and ask for his aid. To smite with his brilliance and flames with a Fire Bolt.
Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Jun, 2017 - 5:24am
Velon keeps pushing forward towards the caster, not surprised to see Poljen next to him still attacking fiercely despite even magical attacks against him. He is glad this man is on his side of this conflict!
He strikes at the closest enemy, thunder booming once again. If Poljen has left any other foes for him, he'll magically enhance his attack to cleave through at a second target with more thunderous damage.
If there are no enemies left where he stands, Velon will move towards the caster's group once more.
Out of combat: Booming blade vs. One target, will post second attack in case there's anyone else left to attack from where Velon currently stands. (Will deduct sorcery point if you indicate Velon attacks a second target, Daishain. Thx).
Fay continues to feel strange, like he can't act. He attempts to break free of the strange feeling. He tries to move to attack the enemy nearest to him and assumes a defensive stance.
Out of Character: If Fay makes his save he will attack the enemy nearest to him. He will use his reaction to up his AC by one.
Round Four
Cratol kills yet another man before him, and knocks another to the ground. Geoffroy and Nyzahr each target the enemy cleric in their own way, A bollt of fire smashes into him just before a haze settles on his form. The cleric wavers and falls to the ground unconscious, causing Lia's arrow to sail by harmlessly.
The spell binding Fay dissipates just in time for him to spring back into action, his frustration lending itself to a blow that severs the head of a man about to strike him with an axe.
Poljen strikes out and scores a few hits, but ends up only wounding his target. Velon steps up, missing his first target, but killing the second
13down, 3asleep, 6 up. Fay takes 10 damage. Almost there.]