Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 354 of 1199

Velon stands, looking very serious and potentially - Page 354 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 7th Jul, 2017 - 2:34am

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Post Date: 6th Jul, 2017 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 354

Lia looks at the halfling with great curiosity. She glances to her friends around the table. " It would seem that word of our deeds has spread. This is both a good and bad thing. We made some very powerful enemies on our last trip. " She smooths her sky blue gown down over her hips as she purses her lips.

Mari's eyes narrow suspiciously. Mari is still wearing her armor and is armed. The young rogue never leaves her gear at home. She releases her shortswords and hides a dagger along her arm. Mari stands up and walks around the table. She studies him intently. " Very interesting Poppo. Just as my friend said… we have made enemies. How do we know that you aren't some kind of spy?"

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Jul, 2017 - 5:43pm

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Post Date: 6th Jul, 2017 - 5:58pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

As Mari stands and circles him he looks a bit nervous, "Oh my, I hadn't considered that. I suppose you would just have to take my word for it, right? I mean, if I was a spy, it's not like I would say, "HEY I'm A SPY COMING TO INFILTRATE YOUR GROUP!"
Lowering his voice, he continued, "But for the record, I'm not a spy. I just want to do something more worthwhile than guard merchants and their caravans. Not that it isn't important. I just want to help people."

As he finished, sloshed some of his drinks as a frog hopped out of the cup of water he was holding and landed on the table.

"Sorry about that," he said as he scooped up the frog, "Goliath needed to have a soak to clean up after all that time on the road." He deftly popped the frog into his pocket and then stood up straight again before realizing the water and mead had spilt on the table. He picked up the corner of his patchwork cloak and proceeded to wipe the area down.

Post Date: 6th Jul, 2017 - 6:24pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Mari studies him like a hawk. " Oh we have ways to find out for sure. " She looks at Lia questioningly then back to Poppo. " One can't be too careful in this field. Sorry that I'm not more trusting but I enjoy living too much to trust everyone. "

Lia casually watches this exchange. She knows Mari is right to be cautious. Nodding in response to Mari's question she knows that her Zone of Truth spell will reveal the diminutive humanoids intentions. " So Poppo… we must be sure of your intentions. I would like to cast a spell on you that will determine whether you are telling the truth or not. It will cause you no harm unless you are untruthful. Are you willing to be tested in this manner?" Lia smiles as she wonders what his answer will be.


Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Jul, 2017 - 7:24pm

Post Date: 6th Jul, 2017 - 9:57pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Page 354 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

"We will be there." He nods farewell, and stands. The two of them walk out together.

"What you think Jack, pub? I mean, we have a month. We can lose a night or two to women and ale."

7th Jul, 2017 - 12:24am / Post ID: #
Zarra Glannath
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

The Quiet Shadow says...

The squire blushes a bit at Poljen, a bit embarrassed though still upset at her brother yet shows appreciation for the compliment as she replies, "Thank you. Though my brother is still foolish, I'm supposed to be the squire and yet he's giving me the better armor though he could use it more." Elyria gives her brother a look.

Geoffroy on the other hand was looking at the barbarian, is expression that of amusement though with a bit of a frown as well before saying, "Thank you, it took just about everything we had just get the armor for the both of us. Originally wanted to give Elyria a ring of protection but I simply couldn't budget it in." His sister signed, still trying to remind herself at least she'd be able to at a fight more often.

They will both listen to Fay play, enjoying the performance provided though Elyria takes notice of how the half-elf keeps on looking towards Mari. Once the bard was finished the Morningliege turns to Jharen and offers a greeting saying, "It is good to have you join us."

Considering the halfling, Geoffroy says looking to his companions and nodding to Lia''s words as well those of Mari, "Poppo, I must agree with those are my companions that we really have no reason to trust you at this moment. We already had a sorceress that we had to worry about at the very beginning of our journey that led to our encounter with the cult and having to slay the dragon."

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 7th Jul, 2017 - 2:30am

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2017 - 1:19am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread

Poppo gulps a bit as Lira's words, "I hope it doesn't involve torture. I am definitely not in favour of that. Besides, I have heard that it is an unreliable source of information. Can't trust it. Best we don't even mention it again."

Geoffroy's words draw out a sigh of relief and relaxation, "See, that's your problem. You had a sorceress. Can't trust those sorcerer types. No discipline. Just up and decide they can do magic one day. Can't trust anyone who doesn't have to work a little for their magic. Even clerics have to follow their diety's rules and do their prayers. Sorcerers, they just sit in their sorcery lairs and conjure up things. Gives them way too much time to get themselves caught up with cults and other evil doings. Why my Uncle Jeppo said that… "

It is apparent that Poppo is going to prattle on until someone interjects.

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Post Date: 7th Jul, 2017 - 2:31am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 354

Mari slips the dagger a little further into her hand. " I'm not speaking of torture Poppo. It wasn't a request by the way. If you wish to join us we must be sure of your trustworthiness. We are no fools."

Lia stands up and steps away from the table smoothing her silk gown as she does so. She gestures to the seat. " Have a seat my friend. We have a few questions to ask first. I will cast a spell and it will enable me to determine whether you tell the truth or not. We mean you no harm but we must know if we can trust you. " She smiles encouragingly.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Jul, 2017 - 2:32am

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2017 - 2:34am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 354

Velon stands, looking very serious and potentially quite threatening with his size, full plate, and beard. He conjures his small dragon of fire and light in one hand, takes a step over to Poppo, and lays a heavy gauntlet on his shoulder. "You were saying? Uncle Jeppo?" He stares him down for a moment, but then burst out with a laugh. "Ha!" He slaps Poppo on the back with the same heavy gauntlet. "You're probably right! ... But tell me something Jeppo; when you cook for us, will there be frogs hopping out of my stew?"

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