Hearing Velon speak up; Oswald stops. Knowing that he can't leave now he walks back inside, snags a drink from the bar; leaving a silver behind. He takes a seat across the bar from Fay; but within sight of Amber Jack.
He makes sure that Jack notices him and then using thieves' cant, hiding it so that only Jack can see it. "Be on extra guard. This group has already said enough that anyone with a proper ear and a brain knows not only where we are going, but our plan itself. Even I stupidly gave out vital information. I know I can trust you to have my back as I have yours. I know I have to trust this group and Silas to do the same." His eyes shoot briefly to Fay. "No matter how difficult that may be."
Out of Character: I wasn't sure if hiding the thieves' cant, would count as sleight of hand or stealth. Edited: Robertreaper on 16th Jul, 2017 - 4:59pm
Poppo smiles at Silas and nods his head, "Thank you for looking into it! I know that doesn't mean you will find anything but you have more people than I do."
Quickly turning back to his old self, he continues, "No, sir. A good company of comrades and the equipment we have is fine. Plus this great amulet you gave us. That will suit me just fine. Thanks for your trust, sir."
With that, Poppo extends his hand and says, "Until we meet again, may yer pint always be full and yer bread basket never be empty."
Mari walks down the street for a time uncertain as to what to do. She paces back and forth anxiously. Anyone that looks at her glances away quickly as anger is evident on her face along with indecision.
Lia smiles at Jharen and looks over at the others. . " You men could learn from the newcomers to our group. They know how to talk to a woman. "
Irritation is evident on her face as Oswald and Fay disagree. About to say something again she stops as Jheran steps in between as a peacemaker.
Lia walks to a quiet corner, takes a seat and orders wine. She sips on the wine and relaxes a little bit as she thinks about the problems with their mission. Her brow is furrowed as she thinks of the tasks facing them. If that isn't bad enough there is already tension between Fay and one of the newcomers. She knows that sometimes it takes a while for a group to mesh when new members are added.
Out of Character: : Several of our characters have the guidance cantrip so we can assume that one of us will go to give a +D4 to their bartering attempt.
. Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Jul, 2017 - 6:53pm
"And may your live be spent well in the pursuit of that which you hold dear Poppo. It will be good to travel with you master halfling, for however brief that may be."
Silas calls Velon in finally, shortly after the sorcerer enters, Silas says. "This room is a little small for me to change completely, but I do wish to greet you properly" Silas' form ripples as his head and arms change and grow, though the rest of him remains unchanged. Velon soon finds himself staring into the eyes of a golden dragon Source 4f
Silas continues in draconic "Now then, I am not much of a stickler for tradition, but I am something of an exception in that regard, you may as well learn this. When greeting another dragon, it is tradition to give a simple bow, the youngest in the room first, then touch clawtips." Silas walks Velong through the simple ceremony. "It is good to see you hale and hearty youngling, I am known as Irdeith. I am certain you have many questions, I will answer what I can."
The porter mage tells you that he is willing to accept half payment on the scroll given something of appropriate value as collateral and a promise for the remaining portion in a few months. Edited: daishain on 16th Jul, 2017 - 7:21pm
Cratol moves outside and sits on a fence after watching people inside. HE sees Mari pacing back and forth but does not approach her at all for he knows that sometimes one needs time alone. He does watch to make sure she is not harassed in any way.
Velon's eyes grow wide as Irdeith changes form, "It IS you." He recovers from his shock enough to politely learn the greeting he is being taught. "I have no claw," he says to Irdeith. "I... I can't change… right?" He is sure to give Irdeith a sincere bow and reach out a finger in place of a claw. "It is an honor."
"I do have many questions, more than we can discuss today I'm sure. I hope you'll talk with me more as we venture below the well. Did you know Glorfindel? Do you know much of me and my past?"
Out of Character: Did any of our leaders make a decision on the gold and potions? Shall we say 3 potions of cure poison and 3 of disease and move on with it? (Daishain they are separate, correct? Or does one type of potion cure both?)
That would leave 89 gold each to buy other supplies for the mission. (I'll take 88 to even out the math.).
Irdeith grins, "I would be more than a little surprised if you managed that feat. But perhaps one day."
"I knew of Glorfindel, and I think we met some time ago, but I did not know much of her. She was fairly reclusive I am afraid. As to you, I only heard of your case relatively recently."
"In any case, I am sure not all of my peers will approve, but I am convinced you are on the right path for this, and it may be some time before I have another chance. I have a gift for you."
Irdeith pulls out a pouch and hands it over. When Velon opens it, he finds a large and heavy scale within. It is almost hot to the touch. It feels alive with magic.
"Heartscale, a gift from the honored dead to those worthy of it. Keep it close. I will not tell you what to do with it. That is something you must discover for yourself."
"I will tell you this, the power of our kind is based on instinct tempered by wisdom. Learn what you can of your magic, learn to trust your instincts, and when the time is right, you will know what to do with this."
Out of Character: yes, they are two different potions. Edited: daishain on 17th Jul, 2017 - 1:27am
Geoffroy considers the shopping and how to resolve the issue of what to buy, before offering the suggestion, "How about six potions, divided evenly in curing poison and disease before then splitting the rest of the coin among us?" The Morningliege did want to move things forward if they could.
Out of Character: I am okay with resolving things as such Cinder, if no one else has any complaints with this solution.