The smile on Oswald's face gets wider and wider as the request for scouts goes around. He looks up from one of the maps, slips it into his bag and gives Jharen a look akin to 'silly you'. He then pulls out a strange pair of goggles and slips them on.
He laughs; "So many people vying for my job. Did you think your hired scout would not be prepared? This is literally why I'm here." He says to the group, and then turns back towards Jack again and laughs meaningfully. "It's obvious that we've never worked together before. You've got your skills, this is mine."
He pulls up the hood of the cloak; as it is raised, the cloak shifts and takes on the image of the background. Not quite invisible, but definitely camouflaged. He moves 30ft ahead of the group, in the direction they will travel, to scout out the immediate area; longbow in hand and ready. As he walks it is noticable that his steps do not make sound.
Out of Character: The items described are the Goggles of Night,and both Boots and Cloak of Elvenkind. The boots and cloak both give advantage on Stealth, one for sound, one for sight. I'll roll the Stealth twice.
Stealth Check to move ahead unnoticed by any dangers. Perception to look for said dangers, including traps. Charisma Save to see if my poor ego can survive. (The last one is a joke, but I'm still rolling it, *laugh*). Edited: Robertreaper on 18th Jul, 2017 - 11:46pm
"What the!?! Shoddy craftsmanship. The spell barely lasted a month!" Oswald is trying real hard to whisper, but he is clearly pissed. "That'll be the last time I buy anything from Big Steve. Jack, we should visit him after this quest and see about getting the money back." He sighs and continues forward, taking the extra effort to keep his steps quiet.
Out of Character: Only use the advantage roll against a visual perception checks then.
I'm also going to self impose Disadvantage on my Charisma check, *laugh*. Edited: Robertreaper on 18th Jul, 2017 - 11:49pm
After finishing his tankard of ale, Poppo bids the rest of those at the table good night and heads to his room. He carefully checks over his gear and spell book before getting changed into his night clothes and settling in for the night.
In the morning he gears up and preps his spells so they are fresh in his mind before heading down to the common room for a sensible breakfast. He is cheerful and chatty but not overly so. When it is time to head down into the well, however, he speaks up while standing on the edge of the well, "Farewell, good citizens! We who are about to brave the terrors of the Undermountain salute you!" With a wave, he then drops into the portal and makes his way down to the bottom.
While the discussion about a scout goes on, Poppo looks at the tunnel work done by the dwarves. "Indeed, an impressive achievement. Would be exciting to explore it more. Maybe after the mission, we can come back."
Once the decision on scouting is made, Poppo falls in step with the group somewhere near the middle of the line, "Can't be too careful when you're the little guy." He says with a smile to no one in particular.
Out of Character: : Poppo will remain quiet and focused on the journey unless directly asked a question. He's one of the new guys so he doesn't want to step on anyone's toes.
Poljen volunteers to be one of the first down the well. His new friend, the golden eagle, rests on his shoulder, which is covered with a bit of thick hide, to protect from the sharp talons.
Once below, he offers to help scout. He grins as he says, "I find now I can better in the dark than I used to." A close look reveals his eyes now are golden, very much like those of the eagle.
Lia grins as she drops down from the rope. " It feels good to start on another mission with the Silver Blaze; Bane of Necromancers and Slayer of Dragons. " She laughs softly. " It will be fun to try out the new equipment. Remember, I make no guarantee for the accuracy of any lightning bolts. My wand was purchased at a significant discount. "
She walks at the back of the group with her keen elven eyes piercing the darkness. Lia will keep an eye out behind them. She is clad in her breastplate again with a red satin cloak draped over it. Her longbow is strapped to her back. She has her shield in her left hand and her new wand clasped in her right.
Mari walks along towards the rear. She has a shortsword ready in each hand for any trouble. The half-elf looks to be more relaxed down in the tunnel than she has been for the last couple of days.
Out of Character: : I rolled perception in case it is needed in the near future. Edited: Kyrroeth on 19th Jul, 2017 - 2:29am
Geoffroy will allow others to take position as scouts, his sister and squire by his side ready to go down. Looking to his companions he will remind, "As a cleric of Lathander, providing light and illumination while he are down here will be a simple matter." It was a point to mention, as casting a light spell is a very simple matter indeed for him.
Looking to Oswald, he will say to him, "We will have you take the lead, work it out with the others on who will join you." Geoffroy hoped allowing him to choose, or making the offer instead of only relying on one person, will not bother the others. Considering the wood elf, he will add, "Perhaps with fair Lia following? With her elven sight and beautiful eyes pierce the darkness." Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Jul, 2017 - 2:36am