Lia starts to walk back with Fay to see what is wrong. Before she can she hears the crashing sound and the cries of " Run, run. " Hearing what the enemies are she smiles. " Run from these… I think not. " She walks to Velon and calls on Sune to form a link with him granting him protection. She has her hand on his shoulder as the spell is cast. " Velon, the link is set. We are linked together now. May Sune keep you safe. " She draws her wand up now. " Light, did someone say we needed light. I've been wanting to try this out. " She has a big grin on her face. Lia raises the wand up over the shoulders of the front line and will summon lightning when the duergar are lining up to enter the doorway.
Specific Action: Lia will cast warding bond on Velon as the enemy is approaching. She will then cast level 3 lightning bolt as they are massing at the doorway. Lia will try to find the biggest concentration of duergar to hit with the 5 foot wide bolt. Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th Jul, 2017 - 10:54pm
Out of Character: Well, since we only roll initiative once for a whole battle that could cover two rounds worth of speech. One prior to the move to the door and one while and after the move. Of course, if you're saying Fay talks too much… Velon will have to learn to live with it. Fay is a bard after all. It's almost like they're in a magical realm… ;).
"Fay, you don't want to be out there when they… Yep, when they do that"
Several of the grey dwarves following the scouts are growing, towering over the others and wielding axes suited to felling giants.
"You are right about one thing though, back up the front line a little, so more of us can engage them as they come in."
Before he moves back, Silas points his weapon, and a ball of fire arcs from it to land in the center of the charging pack of duergar. There is a hollow thump, and then the room is lit up as a massive fireball envelops most of the enemy, flinging them about. Several do not get back up, but most do, and the charge resumes.
Out of Character: Those of you with attack options with a range of more than 60 feet or so, you'll be able to get one shot off in the round before they can close in. Lia's first shot with the Lightning bolt wand will have to wait for round 2, but she could cast/shoot something else right now. There's now space for anyone who wishes to be on the front line. Edited: daishain on 21st Jul, 2017 - 12:26am
Out of Character: : Since we have a round without melee, time for the longbow…
In Character: :
Feeling Poljen ready himself for battle, Trammet flaps away and finds a perch from which to watch the coming fight. Poljen has taught the eagle to stay away from such danger, unless there is good reason for the animal to engage.
Poljen grins as the Ball of Fire detonates amidst the enemy. He feels the Battle Madness stirring in him, and for a moment considers resisting, until their foe is closer to hand. But then seeing several of them grow to be taller than himself, he gives in. His smile once more turns feral, his eyes glisten with anticipation and his breathing grows deeper. Seeing the dark dwarves getting up, he realizes he has a chance to shoot and quickly pulls out the fine bow Lia had gifted him. He lets fly a pair of arrows, then drops it and readies his sword and shield.
Fay smiles wickedly and begins singing a song of heat and flames. He targets one of the nearest dwarves. He then sings a song of inspiration to Velon.
Out of Character: He casts heat metal on its armor at 3rd level. As a bonus action Fay provides Velon 1d8 to add he must use in the next ten minutes. You can use this on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and you can wait until after you see your roll.
Out of Character: : Since she has the first round open still Lia will cast Bless on Velon, Poljen and Fay.
Daishain, please don't forget that Mari has the sword of warning which gives her advantage on initiative. She will be striking to make use of sneak attack. Mari will try not to expose herself to a return attack.
In Character: : Mari looks at the duergar with alarm. She draws both short swords and gets in a position slightly behind the front line. She will wait until one of the front line fighters on one of the far ends is engaged then strike with both short swords at the currently engaged duergar. Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Jul, 2017 - 1:30am
Velon gives Lia a look of understanding and confidence over his shoulder as she touches him, letting it linger for an extra second if she keeps the eye contact, and then gives Fay a nod as he joins the line and sings his song. He'll unleash another firebolt at the leading dwarf before readying himself for the charge of these giants.
Out of Character: I think Poppo is shorting himself firebolt damage. It becomes 2d10 at fifth level.