Realizing that there is more time before they reach us; Oswald, with holy symbol in hand, closes his eyes and calls upon the power of Lathander. Focusing his faith, he channels his God's might through his body, down his arm and into his hand. He targets one of the giant Duergar and unleashes a Guiding Bolt. As the bolt flies through the air, it leaves a trail of glittering light.
Jharen has stopped behind the group's line of defense when he got aware of Silas's plan.
He quickly glides in the shadows behind Poppo's position, ready to pick off any enemy that would try to engage the halfling.
Out of Character: will use the Help action for Poppo's attack rolls if needed
Otherwise hides in shadow and tries a backstab on closest enemy.
Geoffroy will prepare for battle, readying a fireball as he calls upon Lathander to guide his attack and brings to the cleric's hand the sacred fire of his light as he says to his companions and gets into a position towards the front as he points his finger at the dwarves, "I will try hitting them with a fireball, stay clear of the spell my friends." Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Jul, 2017 - 4:39am
Round One
Lia casts her spell, bolstering several allies.
More fire, much of it literal, streaks out after the spell launched by Silas. Oswald and Poppo unfortunately miss with their attacks. But Poljen's arrows and Velon's Firebolt bring down one of the giant sized dwarves who had been scorched. Fay turns another's armor red hot, it stops charging and begins clawing at his breastplate in a desperate attempt to remove it.
All of this is drowned out by the detonation of a second fireball launched by Geoffroy. Searing heat once more pummels the approaching dwarves.
For their part, the duergar seem unperturbed by the pain inflicted on them. Several slow enough to throw things back at the group. Silas parries an axe, Poljen blocks another. A spear manages to slip through and hit Fay. A projectile of another kind flies towards Velon. He blocks the bag with his shield, but it explodes on contact, enveloping him in sticky goo.
Out of Character: Fay just took 11 damage. Velon is restrained Source 6o To get out before the effect ends, he can use his action to attack the hardened goo, or his action to attempt a strength check.
Initiative order is: Lia, Fay, Velon, Poljen, Cratol, Jack, Poppo, Oswald, Geoffroy. I have round 2 actions for most of you, get the rest in and we'll proceed. Edited: daishain on 21st Jul, 2017 - 10:34pm
Velon growls as the goo envelopes him, but does his best to keep his head up looking for more incoming attacks as he struggles against it. He gathers himself for one big burst of strength to break free, straining his shoulders, arms, and chest outwards.
Out of Character: I think he'd try to power his way out before hacking at himself. Using +4 strength, but if it's a Save please ad +1 for cloak.
Poljen's face beams as the enlarged dwarf drops to the floor. "Ha! The world's largest dwarf, or the world's smallest giant? HYA!" With his sword and shield he meets the closest dwarf that charges at him and Velon, whether it is normal-sized, or swollen to enormous proportions…
As the duergar get even closer, unphased by the sheer destructive force already unleashed upon them, Oswald realizes that it's time to up the game a bit.
His arms go wide as he draws in the power of Lathander. They move, forming the shape of a large circle, as a bright red light begins to form infront of him. The light intensifies as his hands move inward towards it; until it ignites into a small flaming ball.
He quickly warns the group not to advance forward before uttering the words; "Sphaera ignis flammae."
The small flame shoots forward, before exploding in the center of the halls entryway. It reforms into a large flaming sphere some ten feet infront of the party. It's heat can be felt be the group, but not to a harmful degree. The same can not be said about anyone coming down the hallway.
Out of Character: I cast Flaming Sphere in the hallway. From previous description I get the impression that the hallway is 15ft wide. I put the 5ft sphere 10ft infront of the group and in the center of the hall. Any creature that ends it's turn within 5ft of the sphere will take damage, so probably anyone fighting against our front line or in the hall trying to reach us. Whoever is in the indented curve, farthest forward, would probably not be effected; nor any group members, as long as they don't advance.
Save DC 13 Dexterity for half DMG. Edited: Robertreaper on 22nd Jul, 2017 - 1:22am