Fay thinks about Silas' proposal and says, "We know we can beat em. I say we take Silas up on his offer to get us past this way. Is't the fastest way? If so, let us take it. Mayhaps the Dwarves'll leave us be… but I doubt it. Whatever we do, let us decide quickly and be gone. I'm sure the noise we made will attract others."
Lia feels a sudden jolt of pain and grimaces as she sends a lightning bolt streaking towards the enemy. As the wall forms blocking them she drops her arm. Walking to Velon, she checks on his wound. Frowning she says, " I guess the spell helped a little. That would have been a terrible blow without it. " She clasps her amulet and uses her other hand to touch his arm. Praying to Sune she asks for her to heal Velon. She feels warmth pass from her hand into his arm. " That should help a little. " Lia smiles and steps back.
" I feel that we should press on as well. The advantage is ours. Who knows what we will run into trying another path. " She glances at Oswald. " Why are you hooded? Does the light bother your eyes? I think that maybe someone else should take the lead scouting for now. What happened out there? Who made that loud noise that drew an army on us?"
Out of Character: : She cast Cure Wounds level 1 on Velon. Due to blessed healer domain feature she will regain 3 hit points herself. Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Jul, 2017 - 10:36am
Fay listens to Lia and adds, "Aye, our scouts be loud indeed. Mayhaps I should take a place as scout. Geoffroy, what say you?" Then he moves next to Lia and whispers to her, "Amillë, did that ring hurt you badly? I saw thee grimace. I know 'tis for the good of the group, but I like it not. How does Velon fair? If thee would, I took a goodly blow, dost thou have any healing for me?"
Out of Character: Fay has a pretty substantial stealth ability. Edited: Abnninja on 24th Jul, 2017 - 11:16am
Oswald replies to Lia; "Turns out these goggles are cursed; another reason to visit Big Steve whenever I'm able to get back to Neverwinter."
He grimaces and then admits. "I agree, I'll be no use to the group in the light like this, other than as a support healer. But I'll be able to retake point after this conflict is resolved."
He tugs briefly on the goggles to demonstrate that they are stuck. "We can worry about removing these when we get out of the Undermountain; until then it is more advantageous to leave them on, even with this disadvantage."
"I am curtain that someone here has Remove Curse, since I know that I am not far from being blessed by Lathander with the knowledge of the spell as well; as my fellow priest had been at the Temple. When we are done, I'll have them remove the item. Until then, we should press on." Oswald ensures to maintain his Flame Sphere, ready to once again unleash it on the enemy, once the wall is down. Edited: Robertreaper on 24th Jul, 2017 - 2:02pm
Poljen decides to show his preference by smashing at the stone wall newly-grown in front of them. "Yes, bring down the wall! We have them on the run! Let us finish the bastards!"
Out of Character: : By attacking the wall he keeps his Rage up, right? ;).
" Well, yes, evil dwarves and cursed items, and broken earthenware, the regular fare of we regular ol' Undermountaineers, I guess ! ", Jack shrugs philosophically. He then looks at his comrade: "It ain't exactly your day, Oz, I must admit I've rarely seen such a streak of bad luck. You sure only the goggles are cursed?". He winks good-naturedly.
He turns to the rest of the group: " You lot seem mightily sure of your fire-power, there… hungry for more dwarf blood, are ye ? Okay, they're small. But they're nasty. And there is a bloody gauntlet of them back behind that stone door, let me assure you. Your scouts may not always be silent, and one of them is about half-blind, but the other still knows how to count. Plenty of Duergar meat back there. " he turns to Lia and Geoffroy, " you two strike me as the wary kind, I'll trust your judgement on this… "
He then turns to Poppo and Cratol: " Nice team we make, albeit a strange-looking one, but you two did very well out there. Very tidy handywork, there, Master Monk. And that Grease thing was a feast for the eyes: all these little stumpy legs stumbling and skipping ! … no offense meant about your own size of course, Master Hobbit. ", he pats Cratol's shoulder and bows to the halfling exaggeratedly.
Out of Character:
Jharen will follow whatever decision the Blaze makes, although he clearly favors avoiding another immediate battle. How does the group stand on spells ? From my calculations we took out about 15-20 % of them (Or maybe even far less, Jharen spotted "Several dozen" of them, which may be anything between 36 to… a lot more, right?). In short: you all reckon we really should keep this up ? Even with a dragon DMPC on our side ? Edited: AshDrunbar on 24th Jul, 2017 - 2:29pm