Poljen quickly slays the remaining gorgon and rifles the dead priest's body. Once he sees what Silas does with Geoffroy he grins. "Magic almost never fails to impress me." At Lia's orders he nods. "To the front, aye." He will move forward, using his newfound vision, scouting ahead.
Fay listens to Lia and he falls into line. He concentrates on expanding the radius of light from his sword, until it is at its maximum of 30' of sunlight and 30' of dim light. This should make it difficult for anything to sneak up on them and help Jack see too. Fay moves closer to Jack and says in a low voice with a sly grin on his face, "Ye know, 'twas Mari back here with me until ye opened yer mouth. Now, I'm stuck with a man who makes an ogre appealing. Methinks ye did that on purpose."
Jack raises an eyebrow at Fay's comment, first really taken aback on having what he honestly always considered his not-that-youthful-anymore-but-still-pretty-darn-good looks compared to those of the child-eating, foul-smelling half-monstrous humanoids and is readying himself for a biting retort, but the real source for Fay's disappointment suddenly downs on him when the noble half-elven mentions Mari.
He cracks a wide smile: "An ogre, now ? You're really too kind, your highness ! Their strength is indeed legendary, as well as their virility, you do flatter me so. And they can be appealing, if you enjoy great fat barbecues of finely-cooked babes. Not my thing, I must admit, but tastes and colors, at the end of the day… ". He gives the bard a wink and wags his chin towards Mari as he lowers his voice: " But yeah, if I'd have to be forced to my own company over Miss Double Blades there, I know I'd be pissed, too ! ".
After another moment spent thinking silently, he adds under his breath while grinning conspiratorially: " Although, I do reckon I know more jokes that she does, and better ones, too ! A bone-tough fighter, that one, and a striking lass, I'll give you that… but she seems a bit on the sour side, if you don't mind me saying. You two seem close: you reckon she's going through some things, there, tiger ? Let me know if you need a hand with that: I maybe be Ogre-ugly, but I know a thing or two about female troubles. ' Nough said ! Come one, get that fine blade of yours to light our path, I'll scratch your back if you shield mine, or whatever they say down yonder where you come from…"
He gives Fay a friendly nod of the head before falling into formation next to him.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 13th Aug, 2017 - 12:32am
As it turns out, Silas can indeed grant Darkvision if needed, but he is a little wary to do so freely, as he has already expended notably more spell resources in this place than originally anticipated. Using it to benefit the whole group, or even just one person for a long period of time would deplete reserves he'd prefer not to dip into unnecessarily. He tells you to ask if there is particular need.
The group gathers up and heads north again. People are flagging a bit, the recent fights having been draining.
Silas tells you he is aware of two bolt holes along the path ahead that could be usable for a camp. The nearer one is on the dangerous side, as it is protected by active wards. But if they can be bypassed, that could work in the group's favor, as the local denizens know to stay away. The other is an old tanner's workshop about an hour and a half further along, there are no wards or anything else of that nature, but it is remote enough that wanderers are unlikely to notice the camp, and was empty at last report.
Fay laughs heartily at Jack's jokes. "I like this one" he thinks to himself. "I do no trust him past the light of me sword fer certes, but like him I do." He walks along with Jack, learning what he can of the man and also of his rogueish talents… although he doesn't ask for any help regarding women. He appreciates the man's talent at scouting and being a rear guard as he watches him.
When they stop to discuss where to camp Fay looks at Jack, "I underestimated ye greatly" he says. Ye look much better'n an ogre, more like a half orc." His broad smile underlines the joke in his voice. "And ye be much smarter than an ogre too."
As he hears the discussion of where to camp, he says, "Me vote, which I know I do no get but which I give all the same, is the one with the wards. We need a solid night's rest and if attacked while at rest hard pressed we may be, especially being one down in numbers now that Geoffroy sleeps. What say our leader?"
Looking towards the half elf, Elyria says softly with her hand touching the pouch which held her brother, "Geoffroy said you are now officially a member of Silver Blaze, so you do have a vote. Both you and Velon have such." The squire grows quiet again, though looks to see the reaction her words might bring especially since there hadn't been time for everyone to vote on it.
Out of Character: : I posted that detail in one of my most recent post, I am surprised you forgot or didn't notice.
Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Aug, 2017 - 1:41am