Cratol is glad for the momentary stop. He gets off the horse and rubs his sore muscles and back side. "How do you people stand riding these beasts. I feel like I was just beat up." Once every one gets back on he will climb back in the saddle gingerly and hangs on for another ride.
The meeting place only being a few minutes ahead, the group presses on.
Soon enough, Jad and a kobold you do not know step out of the bushes and wave at you. Jad has dropped the brightly colored uniform he wore the last time you saw him in favor of a drab tunic and leggings, colored to blend into the low vegetation of this area.
Out of Character: reminder, Jack, Oswald, and Cratol have heard of Jad by now, but have not met him.
The drow had the distinct impression that the one with burnished gold scales and melodic voice was not simply a kobold like the others, though Karra was not certain how or in what way. She appreciated being believed though, and found herself hoping she might meet her again.
Allowing herself to relax though, especially in relieving any pressure to her leg, but will go digging around in her pack for a ration. Either not thinking or feeling comfortable with asking for something to eat, given how much Jad and Clara had already done for her and not wishing to impose.
Out of Character: Seems the Dungeon Master ninja'd me, edited my post. Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Aug, 2017 - 4:43pm
Not long after the as yet unnamed golden kobold left, Jad comes in dragging a sled full of freshly boned fish, it looks nearly as heavy as he is. At Zarra's request he states, "Are you sure? There's going to be plenty to go around, even with some of the really big folk joining us tonight, and these cook up rather nicely, as nasty of a disposition they might have in life. Had to chase a few away before they put even more holes in you earlier."
If Zarra insists, he'll shrug, and get the rations for her without argument.
Either way, he proceeds to build up the fire in the corner, and pulls a metal rack out of an apparently magical bag at his waist, along with a pot the kobold could have taken a bath in, a sack of rice, another of dried vegetables, and a satchel full of spices and cooking utensils.
In short order, he's made a broth from the bones, heads, and organs of the fish, then pulled those out before adding the rice and vegetables and leaving it to simmer. "Call out if that starts to bubble too hard would you? My mistress stated our other guests should be arriving shortly."
With that, he ducks back outside. Edited: daishain on 23rd Aug, 2017 - 5:25pm
On what was said, Karra will pause in consideration before deciding just to find something to snack on until dinner was completed. Speaking, she says, "Are you sure it is a good idea? I would have to uncover my face, they would see what I am." She is uncertain, imagining them not being so keen to dine with a drow.
She agrees to keep an eye on the soup, making sure it doesn't boil over. Admittedly, it takes her a moment to get close enough so as to be ready if it does. Zarra hoped though that it will be fine until the kobold returns.
Out of Character: Well, it seems editing my post went unneeded. Also, seem we both mistyped her name. Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Aug, 2017 - 5:23pm