Jad thinks for a moment while stirring the broth, "I won't lie, they might react badly. But they were willing to hear me out, only months after they had fought many of my cousins, seen them helping along a rather disturbing plot. My mistress has chosen to trust you, and they have reason to heed her judgement. As long as they are not surprised by you, I do not expect a major issue." Edited: daishain on 23rd Aug, 2017 - 5:45pm
Poppo sniffs they are when they are riding towards their meeting place. "Something smells good. Can't quite make out the spices though." His stomach reacted at the stimulus and gurgled loudly, bringing a flush to the halfling's face. "Guess, it must be close to mealtime. My tummy always knows!"
Fay sees Jad and brings his magical horse to a halt. He waves at the Kobold. "Well met Master Jad, 'tis good to see ye here. Yer Master did us right whilst below ground" Fay says as he dismounts. He smiles at Poppo and catches a whiff of the food himself, "Yes, that smell is enticing indeed… although fer me it be getting off those demon steeds that brings the most pleasure. Being whisked around at such infernal speeds, 'tis not natural." Edited: Abnninja on 23rd Aug, 2017 - 8:27pm
Lia is alarmed at seeing kobolds at first but smiles as she recognizes Jad. Dismounting she removes her equipment from her steed. " Jad, it is a pleasure to see you again. We have been anxiously awaiting this moment. The timetable is still intact for this mission it appears. "
Mari dismounts hurriedly and with much relief. She stands with hands on the hilts of both swords eyeing the surrounding terrain. Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Aug, 2017 - 1:10am
Jad replies "Yes, though I am saddened to hear of Geoffroy. Master Irdeith passed the news to us through our Mistress."
"In any case, I would like you to meet my mate, Clara. We were handfasted last month." Jad smiles and draws the kobold at his side a little closer, giving her a quick lick on the side of her jaw.
For her part Clara ducks her head in embarrassment, then looks up and says, in somewhat broken Common, "Hello, we have a fish… fish meal, almost done. There another guest too, dark girl, dark elf. She's hurt."
When Cratol hears about a injured dark elf he heads towards the cave "Sa-Rai is that you? Have you been injured on your journey to find the child you seek?" He speaks loud enough that any inside the cave would hear him coming to check on who he feels may be their friend from before.
Velon dismounts and greets Jad with a bow. "Master Jad, very glad to see you. A pleasure Clara. You are too kind to feed us out here as well. We may be waiting another day to test Poppo's best skills! He still tosses a mean fireball though, so we'll keep him around." He gives Poppo a wink.
Upon hearing of the wounded girl he adds "We should be able to help her".