Before heading to bed even she had to comment saying involving the giant head that appeared into sight, "I've never seen such a sight." Zarra wonder what sort of magic would have been needed to create such a strange and disturbing creature, hoping she wouldn't have to find it.
Out of Character: It looked like people were heading to bed, didn't realize that there be more. Edited: Thomaslee on 25th Aug, 2017 - 5:12pm
Velon sits with his feat up sharpening his sword after trying to hack through Duergar armor. "Well if you believe in balance in the world, that right there is enough to balance out the beauty of a thousand of those blessed by Sune. Yeesh!"
"Too much woman for you, eh Jack? She does look like she could use a kiss."
Poppo snorted and sat up abruptly, "Ah!" he yelled before realizing where he was,. "Oh, uh sorry about that. Bad dream."
Sitting on his bedroll he looked around the cavern. Seeing Zara he got up and plopped down beside her, "Hiya, I'm Poppo. So, are you one of those scary 'I must kill all-surface dwellers' drow or are you a nice one? I haven't heard of any but I suppose they must exist. My Uncle Felix said he met one once. Something about two swords and a big cat but he's prone to telling stories. One time he said he wrestled a bear to the ground with his bare hands! He was traveling from Baldur's gate.... "
Lia looks surprised at Cratol's words. She blinks and then Fay speaks to her as well. Lia responds softly. " I understand how you two feel. I do not share the same feelings. Stories of drow were told to me as a child. Warnings of being visited by one of them if I did not behave. Stories of cannibalism and murder. Those aren't just stories. That's what they do. " She steps to the side and begins to meditate.
Mari listens to this and nods but remains quiet. She sets up her blanket and goes to sleep in a corner.
Out of Character: : Lia is switching out Sanctuary for remove curse. Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Aug, 2017 - 8:15pm
"Ye owe me no explanation Amillë. We have all heard the stories. Even in human settlements stories of the Drow coming to eat ye if ye do no listen to yer mother or if ye wander off abound. These stories must have a basis in fact methinks. Nay, I understand yer cause fer concern and the fact thee are now our leader makes this thrice as true" Fay says to Lia. "What guard shift would ye have me take?"
Jack huddles closer to Oswald as everyone is getting ready for some rest and whispers discreetly to his comrade: "So, what's your take on the new ashen beauty with the skewered leg, then ? You had a look up close, if you don't mind me mentioning it… you reckon she's legit ? Any hidden daggers, vials of poison or other niceties amongst her gear we should know about ? - don't start denying it, we both know that's the first thing you looked at: not her shapely legs, but the contents of her pack, am I right ? - maybe your new, happy god has some sort of trick up his celestial sleeves to tell if she's one of the bad sort, too. Detect Evil, isn't that what priests do ? Me, I'm not worried about her, I'll just keep her at arm's reach and stick my rapier into her of she misbehaves… but methinks our new leader has somewhat stronger feelings on the subject."
He stretches and makes ready to take on his first watch at the edge of their makeshift camp. He turns back towards his friend and grins: "Although, if you ask me, I can't figure out why everyone is getting so rilled up about a wounded drow, and acting like a giant glowing witch's head floating in the air and dragging its bloody guts all over the place is the most normal thing they've ever seen !" The wiry man shrugs, blowing a loose lock of copper-colored hair off his forehead: "The Glorious Silver Blaze !... Go figure."
The rogue then crouches in a quiet, lone spot just beyond the firelight and sits fiddling with one of his daggers, watching the swamp intently.
Out of Character: will stand guard hidden in darkness, hoping to get the drop on eventual intruders. Edited: AshDrunbar on 25th Aug, 2017 - 11:41pm
"She's geared like any adventurer, and likely armed." Oswald shrugs. "I don't see what the problem is either. I've worked with Drow before on the 'rogue for hire' market. Whether those guys were good or not is another matter; but agreeing not to kill each other in our sleep is usually all you need."
After finishing his meal, Oswald heads off to the darkness surrounding the camp and prays. "Lathander, may your light guide those that have been lost on our journey, both friend and foe. May their next lives be brighter then the darkness they parished in." He pauses. "And may your light find it's way into the heart of our cleric of Sune, so that her inside is as beautiful as her outside."
As he returns to the camp he takes a moment to looks at the floating monstrosity and shutters before setting up his bedroll near the cave's kitchen; staying warm near the coals. Edited: Robertreaper on 26th Aug, 2017 - 1:33am