Zarra offers a small bow of her head before replying to Lia, "Thank you for such a chance, I will try not to get in the way and seek to prove this trust was not foolishly given." The drow was glad that was taken care of, so that they can now move forward.
She signs, before admitting to Cratol, "I offered much more than I'd like about myself, but it was needed. Perhaps now though, things can proceed more slowly." Zarra will place the cloth over her face again, putting the goggles into place, before raising her hood.
Looking to Lia and the other she asks, "So what is going on? What role shall you give me, and dangers should I be made aware of? Zarra felt this was important, especially since the drow had left herself as vulnerable as she had.
Jad appears glad the issue seemed to have been settled, "Well Jarra, the basic premise is you're going to take back something that was stolen. The thieves occupy a ruin in the swamp. The kings of the mere may or may not be interested in interfering, but there has been a distraction arranged for them. No worries, you're not stealing anything from their particular hoards."
Just then there is a distant roaring sound. "Ah, that may be them now."
First one, then two large figures launch themselves into the air above the mere. You find yourselves watching the largest dragons you have ever seen shrink into the distance. They're at least half again as long as Chasorth, possibly twice as long. Not to mention a lot uglier. Source 4m
Jad grins and says, "My Lord Irdeith and Lady Chasorth are messing with the wards to the south. The brothers now have a choice, keep chasing them down to avoid permanent damage, or let them take down the mere's primary defenses. With luck, they will choose the former. But if not, my master and mistress will be able to freely enter the swamp and cause a lot more damage than just to a few enchantments."
"But now that the game is afoot… " He beckons and leads the way to the edge of the mere. Hidden under canvas and reeds are three boats. They're light, flat bottomed affairs. Long poles are with the boats, to push your way through the waters of the swamp. Edited: daishain on 27th Aug, 2017 - 1:15am
"Zarra," the drow corrects softly, looking to Jad before continuing, "Not Jarra. There is a difference. I think I may have heard the mistake a couple of times, but simply didn't say anything." Hopefully she didn't offend with the correction, but the mispronunciation was bothering her.
Continuing, she says to the kobold on his words, "Though thank you for explaining the situation." There was more questions she wanted to ask, such as why they were trying to do all this, but Zarra felt she could ask more questions later so they could get started.
Out of Character: Now is the Jarra purposeful or accidental? You have made that mistake a fair few times Daishain, when my drow's name is Zarra. If I am missing something that might explain it, let me know. Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Aug, 2017 - 1:30am
Poljen offers to pole the lead skiff. He says to Zarra, "Welcome. Many of us are part of a group calling ourselves The Silver Blaze. A few others accompany us. I am Poljen, son of Nels, the last of the Snow Leopard Clan. May fortune favor the bold! Ha!" A golden eagle has been in the trees by the camp and at a gesture from the tall barbarian it settles down on the gunwale of the lead skiff. "As we get closer, I will use Trammet's eyes for us to scout from the air, yes? Good! Let us go, while our diversion gives us the chance to approach the ruins we seek."
Poppo claps at Lia's decision to accept Zarra into the company for the time being, "Excellent! See Zarra? As long as you don't try to eat us or feed us to spiders or something, it's all good. Hey, have you ever thought of using your sword to scratch azzzinto places that you steal stuff. You know, like a calling card. The amazing Zarra has taken your stuff again! Maybe you could give it to orphans or something. I bet they would write stories or plays about you then. Say, did you meet Goliath? He's my pet frog."
Poppo proceeds to pull him out of his pocket and thrust him towards Zarra's face. Goliath seems perturbed by this as his legs are splayed out at weird angles as his belly is exposed.
"Don't worry. He's well trained. He won't jump in your water cup unless I tell him too. He does like a good bath though. One time he jumped into a mug of ale. Have you ever seen a drunk frog? He hopped sideways. Funniest thing I had ever seen. Anyway, you can sit beside me when we go on the skiffs. We can keep watches together and all sorts of stuff. So, do you have trouble with the sun? I heard a story from my Aunt Cleo that she heard from her friend's sister that drow stuff melts in the sun. I think that sounds silly. Must be hard to keep stuff if it melts in the sun."