Lia nods at Mari and begins looking around the mere. She has her broom at her side as well as her wand. Lia studies above and below the water expecting an ambush at any moment.
Mari has her bow at the ready as she looks around as well. Looking behind her once she catches Fay looking at her. She flushes and looks away. Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Aug, 2017 - 12:00am
The group is portaging the boats over one of the sections of relatively dry land when they are attacked.
What had looked like a simple mound of rotting vegetation extended vines and attempted to batter Poljen over the head. Fortunately, the Barbarian managed to dodge the blow, though he did have to drop his end of his boat to do so.
The mound continues to move in, vines flailing.
Out of Character: Initiative time. Edited: daishain on 28th Aug, 2017 - 3:59am
Jack and the disincarnate voice of the old sailor trapped inside his ring curse simultaneously as the rogue fumbles for his trusty crossbow and attempts to guess what part of this new horror may be vulnerable to his steel bolts.
Jack clears his mind, gets down on one knee and fires a shot at a spot somewhere in the midst of the mass of flailing vines.
Lia is startled out of her reverie by the mass of vines attacking Poljen. She clasps her amulet and calls upon the power of her goddess. Radiant light bathes the mound, looking for a weakness.
Mari draws her short bow and takes aim at the foul creature.
Specific Action: Lia cast Bane upon the enemy. Mari will hope for sneak attack damage as the enemy is in combat with Poljen. Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Aug, 2017 - 6:53am
Fay sees the monstrosity assaulting Poljen and can't quite fathom what is happening. Then he shakes his head and realizes whatever is happening it's a threat. He lowers the skiff, draws his crossbow and fires. Then he closes the distance in half between himself and the creature.
When first getting in the boats, Velon responds to Jack's question "Ah, I can swim but not with all of this on." "I'll be the first to drown, for sure. If Bahamut doesn't save me, perhaps you and Faevalor will!" He adds, "Save some room for me and my extra weight in the rear boat."
He is also sure to welcome Zarra to the group.
On to current matters…
Velon quickly puts down his end of the rear boat upon seeing Poljen attack. As he moves towards the fight he takes a few steps to spin around and look for threats from the rear. He then casts a firebolt at Poljen's foe.