"Hey! I trimmed this puppy a mere three weeks ago!" Velon strokes his beard. "Don't be jealous of it Fay, jealousy doesn't suit you and looks bad in front of the ladies." He elbows Fay in the ribs and makes an overly obvious nod at Mari (And potentially Lia if she's there.) "It's ok that those who can't be burly get by with things like 'brains' and 'words' instead." He holds back a chuckle considering their situation but the others know it's just below the surface.
Velon keeps his voice down and continues watching the enemy from afar but enjoys mixing business with a little humor again after the dire situation they faced in the tunnels had shut even him up for the most part.
Jack is staring intently at the brass dome atop the ruined castle. He finally says, as if thinking aloud: "I would bet something really interesting will happen if we manage to bring down this 'magic machine' Poljen just told us about… Now this, I'd really like to see !".
He turns towards the others, eventually settling his attention on Poppo: "But if my previous experiences account for anything, I'd say we'll have to deal with their Stone Guardian first and foremost. Master Hobbster, with your obvious and vast knowledge in things arcane, do you have any tips as to how to deal with that particular threat ? Unfortunately the only thing I can think of is distracting it long enough for some of us to wiggle past it… ", the rogue continues with an apologetic glare, "I said 'unfortunately', because said-diversion would involve part of this group: bringing on the Golem's agro should be easy enough, the hard part is surviving it, yes ?"
He scratches his head, thinking hard.
"This is all I got for now. Oh no, wait, one more thing: Velon, my cloak's color is amber, that's why they call my the amber rogue, see ? Otherwise I'd be The Scarlet Thief… Mmmn, not bad either, mind you… Will give it some thought."
He shrugs and coughs before concluding: "The lizards will be an asset… Especially if we use them to distract the golem… aw never mind, I never said that ! ", he grins.
"Scarlet thief, huh? Maybe I'll be the scarlet thief after we steal this mask, eh? Not sure if scarlet is the same as a fiery red. I know little of art. Where I'm from there used to be an artist on the corner, though. He was friendly and I liked watching him swirl his paints together. I didn't know the names of the colors, but… " The paladin stops mid sentence. "... AND I just turned into Poppo." He falls silent with a flat expression.
Eventually he whispers "Tell me Master Jack, can you make amber paint without red?! ;) "
In discussing tactics, Velon suggests "Poljen and I could keep the golem busy while you lot find the lizardfolk and the mask, unless Poppo has magic to paralyze it or something that is. Perhaps Lia could keep us alive, too. That would be nice!"
Oswald speaks up. "We should also scout out to see if there is a way to bypass the golem completely, though that task is likely just as dangerous. To be honest, I've never faced a golem and I'm unsure on what would be necessary to take it down."
Poljen shrugs at the suggestion. "If we are to honor our agreement with the lizards, we must free their kin. Getting them all out past the golem will be all but impossible, I wager. But if someone is clever enough to figure out a way, I will do my part."
Zarra will appear deep in consideration, before saying to those putting together a plan, "Regretfully I'm uncertain if I could provide much aid when it comes to the golem. The magic I have prepared won't be helpful, and I do not have magical blade." The drow's tone actually did regretful, of course not much to be seen of her face.
Continuing the drow will offer, "Yet if you have any ideas where else I could be if service, let me know. I do want to help." Zarra meant this and hoped that her skills could be put to use, or that perhaps she was missing something.
Cratol watches the group that is out harassing the lizard folk. "I do not have any magic to hurt a golem or stone man. I can help make a distraction out here with some of these guys. While the rest go in to save the other lizard folk. This way I can see about keeping a way open for when you come back"