Lia cries out in anger as the rune circle is destroyed. She pockets her wands and draws her bow while taking aim. She calls upon Sune to guide her arrow as she aims it at the center of the great creature.
Mari continues to look for an opening to drive her blades deep into the creatures back.
Out of Character: : Lia will use her bonus action to draw her bow. Mari will be striking with advantage and therefore sneak attack damage as well.
Velon considers Poppo's words but agrees with Fay. He does hope the rune circle can be activated again if they choose.
The paladin rushes over and strikes at the frozen beast, hoping to kill it before it is free again and able to harm his friends.
Out of Character: . Booming blade attack.
The group piles onto the temporarily helpless draconic creature, cutting deep wounds into its form. Fay and Poljen are particularly effective, unfortunately both Lia and Velon miss entirely, arrow and blade skipping off of the scaly hide.
The creature shakes off the paralysis and looks directly at Velon, it snarls at him, "Blood of the traitor, die!"
Dark energy coalesces around its arms, funneling down to wrap around the edge of its blade. Which it swings around into the paladin's chest. There is a muffled boom, and Velon is flung away, smashing into the walls like a broken toy.
Out of Character: Velon took 28 slashing damage, 20 necrotic, and 8 bludgeoning from the wall impact.
Poljen growls but utters no words as he swings his blade once more at the creature, determined to finish it off.
Out of Character: : I am going to roll with Advantage due to Cratol also being in melee. If that is incorrect, ignore second roll for each attack, please.