Velon had fallen a step behind the group, tired from battle, his plate slowing him down more than normal, and drawing upon the energy casting his last spell being taxing. He was a fraction of a second late with his weapon strike, the godslayer moving unexpectedly just as he swung. He was caught completely off guard and out of proper defensive positioning, ultimately costing him his participation in this battle and perhaps his life. The paladin of Bahamut now lays crumpled on the floor against the far wall, moments from death. He had saved a few drops of Lay on Hands energy to revive others in such a state, but little good that would do anyone now.
Out of Character: . Ouchie! If anyone does choose to check on the paladin he is out of potions but has a healers kit on him. I forget how death saves work exactly without my book but I'll roll a d20 and hopefully the Dungeon Master will be kind enough to add Velon's CON if I'm supposed to.
Lia gasps in horror as Velon hits the wall with a thunk and slides to the ground. She forgets the creature and starts to race to him. Seeing Poppo already there pouring a potion down his throat she takes aim again against the creature. Lia knows that they must down it as quickly as possible to prevent anyone else from going down. She sings and calls upon the enchantment of the bow before loosing another arrow.
Out of Character: : I think I finally have it down now *smile* She uses her bonus action to cast Hunters Mark with the bow before she attacks. Thanks for the warning about the healers kit Daishain. Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Oct, 2017 - 6:40pm
Poppo saw Velon fly through the air and land in a heap against the wall. After firing off a firebolt that failed to injure the godslayer, the halfling turned his attention to assisting his ally. Rushing over to Velon, he arrives in time to join Lia who has already stopped Velon from slipping further into death. Kneeling beside the fallen paladin and cleric, he unslung his own backpack. Digging through, he located his last healing potion, unstoppered it and poured its contents down the paladin's throat, cradling his head so he didn't choke. Edited: ChristianD on 9th Oct, 2017 - 6:25pm
As consciousness returns to him, Velon gasps as one would after almost drowning. After sucking in some air he looks up to see Poppo there and puts a hand on his shoulder then pats him lightly on the side of the head as a sign of appreciation to his friend. He's still too stunned by the blow to speak. He tries to stand but quickly gives up as his head is still spinning after crashing into the wall. He accepts that he needs to stay down for a moment, but tries to look up to see how his friends are fairing against the godslayer. How long was he out? Was he dead? He hopes to see that the beast is long since dead, but unfortunately it is not the case.
Velon curls his lip and grits his teeth with thoughts of his newfound hatred of Tiamat and her vile followers. He lifts the gauntlet opposite Poppo and unleashes a gout of flame at the beast from his seated position in the most casual of manners, as if he was swatting a fly or discarding some trash. At least that spell had become second nature and was easy to cast unlike the more taxing spell he had cast moments before. Despite this, the burly redhead still instinctively grabs his head and lets out a groan after casting the spell.
Out of Character: . If allowed to act this round, casting a firebolt at the enemy. If not, please use this post for next round if there is one.
The group keeps striking at the Godslayer, inflicting heavy damage. Dying, and alerted to Velon still being alive, the creature charges towards the paladin, hoping to take this hated enemy with him.
Fay manages to take advantage of his distraction however, and sinks his radiant blade into the creature's back.
The godslayer collapses, his legs are not working right, but he is still trying to claw his way towards Velon, murder in his increasingly cloudy eyes.
Out of Character: Combat is effectively over, the thing is still capable of causing harm, but any of you could dance circles around it at present.
Poljen howls. "Hya! I will finish this beast! See to the Velon and the others!" He hacks down at the still-scrambling beast…
Out of Character: : If it is down, melee attacks get advantage while ranged attacks get disadvantage. I think Poljen and Cratol should be able to end this while the others begin to rest up and investigate.