Lia smiles grimly as she sees it fall. She looks for Poppo." Master Cook, would you look at that runic circle and see about the possibility of reactivating it? We have come too far to stop short of retrieving the mask now."
She strides quickly over to Velon. Pushing down on his shoulder she says," Rest for a moment Velon. You almost died. Give me a minute and I will try to make you feel a little better. We can't do this without you." She pulls out her healers kit and kneels down by him. Lia begins trying to treat him with the kit. She murmurs, "We are done here unless Poppo can reactivate that circle. That will take a little time." Edited: Kyrroeth on 10th Oct, 2017 - 1:28pm
Trusting Poljen to finish the beast off, Fay goes to investigate the plinth. He hopes his knowledge of Draconic along with his admittedly meager training in the arcane from his days at his Bardic College help.
He calls to Poppo and Oswald as he heads that way, knowing they might be better suited to figure this thing out. “Oswald, Poppo, what do ye two make of this? There be a machine up top that may also help. It be a means to see things far away. Mayhaps we can use it find the mask.”
Then he realizes he’s being stared at, “What are ye looking at and where is Oswald? Is he slinking about again?” He asks with a slight grin. “What do we pay him fer? Come Jack, out with it. Where is Oswald?”
Out of Character: There has been a lot of action and moving. Fay was in a different area and totally committed when Oswald fell. Then the rush to get here. He doesn’t know anything about Oswald.
With the creature being dealt with Poppo took a closer look at the runic circle. After a few moments he looks and speaks to Lia, "It's busted but not as bad as it could be. I think if I can get arcane power flowing though it again, we might be able to follow wherever she went." Edited: ChristianD on 10th Oct, 2017 - 6:14pm
Lia balls her fists up in frustration. She had hurt him instead of helping him. Lia tries to calm down and prays to Sune to help her in this. The cleric begins using the kit again trying to help Velon out. In the midst of this she hears Poppo speaking to her." That is good news Poppo. Please do what you can now to get it reopened as soon as possible. We must get through now or the mask may be gone forever."
Out of Character: : Lia cast guidance first before attempting to use the kit. Edited: Kyrroeth on 10th Oct, 2017 - 4:41pm
The group swiftly dispatches the Godslayer, and move to assess the damage to the circle while Velon's wounds are tended to.
It appears that the circle can be restored, but it will be a careful and slow process taking several hours. Rushing it faster than that could cause a devastating misshap.
Alternatively, there are runes corresponding to the destination of the circle. Using these with the Teleport scroll you picked up in Waterdeep should, in theory, take you to the same place Rezmir went. But this would also use up said scroll, leaving the group at least temporarily stranded who knows where.
Velon winces as Lia fumbles with the healing kit, but he smiles at her anyhow and stays down as instructed. "Thank you" he says to her, Poppo, and anyone else tending to him or defending him from the odd, rabid pursuit of the godslayer.
"Lia, I want to follow the masked dragon as much as anyone… well, half as much as Poljen… but it's suicide without our magic. I'm exhausted. We have no idea what is on the other side. An army of cultists and black dragons, perhaps? Being dead won't help the mission. What do we do? Does Poppo know if we can come back through the gate if it's too dangerous?"
Out of Character: . The party clearly really needs a long rest here, but of course that gives Rezmir an 8 hour head start. Hard to imagine our characters waiting 8 hours or saying 'too dangerous, let's go home' despite this potential one way trip being suicidal.
For the moment I'm thinking Velon doesn't know about the scroll option until Poppo speaks. That of course runs in opposition with the need to rest, and leaves them with no way back from where they're going, which could be another continent or plain of existence even. Yikes!