Rubbing his hands together in gleeful anticipation to close-up examination of the portal, now proven to work repeatedly, he moves forward, closing the distance, and casts a Witch Bolt at the runner, knowing that the worst thing to occur would be reinforcements! He calls out to Lorairies and his thugs "Go and help where you can, but don't endanger yourself! And you two, shoot the ruffians, not the new people!" He tells his familiar to watch the battle and alert him if the newcomers are in trouble. As a backup, he prepares Fire Bolts to sear the backside of the messenger.
Out of Character: : Move 30 feet intercept angle towards runner. Witch Bolt as a 2nd slot attack (2d12 plus 1d12 per round after automatically, as long as the target stays within 60 feet). If that misses, or the runner is out of range of WB, Fire Bolt (2d10 at 240') And second FB if WB missed. Rolling for thugs crossbow shots, add whatever bonus they get. (Spell Sniper cover bonus). Edited: Gknightbc on 14th Oct, 2017 - 4:36am
Zarra decides to cast invisibility upon herself as the drow moves closer to where the trolls are coming towards them, and prepares her hand crossbow for a sneak attack.
Specific Action: Invisability, get in closer, and then use hand crossbow for sneak attack. Then, once others have engaged the trolls, she should be able to sneak attack again with hand crossbow for a second time.
The group moves in to engage, Poljen at the fore. The barbarian strikes the troll, and Poppo looses a fireball.
The detonating spell kills all but two of the grunts before you. One of them is then cut down by three more people suddenly emerging from the underbrush. The other falls when Zarra hits him with a crossbow bolt.
Fay tries to move up with the others, but slows to a stop with a nasty looking coughing fit.
The troll moves to strike back at Poljen, but then suddenly vanishes as Lia's spell takes hold.
Someone unseen launches a bolt of fire towards the west, a cry of pain goes up from that direction.
Lia sees Cratol running off to explore the source of the noise." Poljen, can you send your eagle to see what is happening over there? Everyone else, we must prepare. I banished the troll to buy everyone time to deal with the humans. Apparently everyone didn't need time. Prepare to engage the troll. He will only be gone for a minute. I can bring him back sooner once everyone is ready for him. Remember that trolls are hard to keep down. Fire is key."
Noticing Fay coughing wildly she walks to him with concern." Ionneg, are you okay?" She examines him carefully.
Out of Character: : I assume that with all their adventuring that they would be aware of a troll's weakness. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Oct, 2017 - 3:55pm