"An hour might be best, as you say. That way they can't land right away."
"I'm not sure the plan should be to wait for them to notice guards missing and attack us. We should be able to get into that keep from on high as mentioned. We might as well do all we can before they know we are here. Watching for bottleneck positions to fall back to once they do come at us is wise, though."
"As long as we are planning, do we have an exit strategy? Poppo said, rubbing his chin. "If we have to withdraw to we have a rallying point? Might be good to set that stuff just in case we need it. If we are high in the air we are trapped in here with all of them which could be a problem."
She grins arCratol." I thought that you might see it that way."
Lora eyes Poppo for a moment." You have a good point. We are trapped here now. It means that we are fully committed. It's take control of our very own flying castle or die trying. That should be a little extra motivation for everyone." Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Oct, 2017 - 8:34pm
"I'm motivated! I don't have feather fall or anything like it readied, since I didn't expect to be miles high in the sky! I just hope we can take down a few of these special monsters by themselves, and not all at once. That'd be… sticky."
"This is a good point Poppo." The paladin thinks for a second. "Yes, if we're all together we'll find the safest room we can to retreat to. If we get separated, perhaps back at this tower is our best bet since that's all we know right now. Either way we can get out if we're all together. We have a way." He smiles and winks at the group, patting the place in his armor where he has the teleportation scroll safely hidden away, looking at those in the know including Poppo, Poljen, and Cratol. "Trust me. I do hope we have the mask in hand if it comes to that, and prefer to take this whole castle for ourselves."
"Everyone got that? As of now this tower is our safe point if we're separated. If we find a better place we can change it, of course."
Out of Character: . Not telling the new characters specifics about the scroll just yet, but can share out of character for anyone who doesn't know. Velon, with some generous donations from Poljen and others I believe, bought a scroll of teleportation back to Waterdeep in case things ever go south for this group during a question.
Daishain, which tower should they take next to leave one who side of the keep unwatched? The next to the right, or the one that was originally to their left? [Thanks].
A few minutes later, you all can hear a rumbling noise, and feel it within your bones. The floor lurches beneath your feet as the castle lifts into the air, slowly at first, then with increasing speed.
Whatever is generating the fog beneath the castle begins pumping it out at a fast rate, and it begins to billow up around the castle.
As soon as the fog closes up above you however, the artificial cloud becomes transparent. You can see the landscape below you once more. As you were unable to see the castle through the cloud on its approach, it follows that this effect is one way.
In discussing your approach, you consider your options for clearing the guard towers. It seems that the best option will be the one to your left when facing the keep. There are fewer eyes that might fall on it.