Out of Character: Okay, moving this along
The man approaches, only for Poljen to dive up at him. The guard is rapidly grabbed tight, with Lora helping to keep his mouth covered.
He's still squirming, but he is not going anywhere at the moment.
Zarra was not far behind, yet kept hidden. When Lora was seen, the drow was ready to go in and take care of the problem yet found the priestess had a few tricks up her sleeves. Also, she waits farther when Poljen tackles the man and holds her attack.
Despite this, the drow will ready her bow and wait just in case the guard tries breaking away or is able to do so. Zarra will decide it is okay to go out of hiding for now, since Poljen had him captured and consider the situation in what they should do next.
Out of Character: Just to confirm for Attack and Skill Checks, You add both proficiency, or double proficiency when appropriate, and the appropriate ability modifier? Not counting other bonuses. Also, I missed Poljen's actions so that stealth roll won't be needed but the Attack and Damage rolls might still be useful. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Nov, 2017 - 7:31pm
Describing the events of the rooftop to Velon, I add "Should we get inside now, and out of sight? Who is the best of us to interrogate this one?"
Out of Character: : I'm assuming the hawk saw these events of the roof. I'll then have the hawk spot for anyone approaching either tower while we 'work'.
Once he is secured Lora will glance at the others with her." We need someone to wear his uniform up top here as well." She looks from the guard to the others to see who would be the best fit.
Out of Character: : Thomas, you are correct in what you said about attack rolls and skill checks. Your attack roll and stealth check modidlfiers were off however. Her attack mod with a +1 weapon would be a +7 and her stealth would be a +9. Edited: Kyrroeth on 3rd Nov, 2017 - 11:12pm
“Let’s not linger here too long, but yes let’s get what info we can from him. Then it’s on to the keep. Not sure we can afford to leave a man behind just to impersonate a guard. We may have to risk it being noticed, or just leave this guy propped up here.”
Velon climbs up to speak to their new prisoner. He uses the Message spell to briefly speak to Zarra, Lora, and Poljen one by one. “Do me a favor and look extra blood thirsty and ready to murder this guy, would you?” He hopes the man is intimidated by the mighty Snow Leopard or the Drow.
The Paladin approaches the man and sits down next to him. “Hello friend. I fear this lot means to kill you. They really are in need of the guidance of the faith. I’ve been tagging along with them hoping to save their souls. At least I convinced them to tie you up first. One did mention wondering if you could fly. It didn’t sound good. I think I could convince them not to kill you if answer their questions though. What do you say? I know they’re wondering who flies this thing, and how. Oh, and what lives in the cave below?”
Out of Character: . Hoping intimidation by the others might count as the Help action. Edited: Cinder on 4th Nov, 2017 - 1:49pm