Targul looks a little confused by Sar'ai. After all, why shouldn't he know what he knows?
Just to make sure she understood what he was trying to say, he responds "When I was learning to sail, the crew that I was with looked at coastal towns as… opportunities. Yes, I think that's what they called them.
The bigger towns had walls. Those were usually where merchants had larger markets or rulers lived. The smaller villages along the coast didn't have walls and made for better opportunity.
But, even then there were some towns that we avoided. Usually because there were rocks in the shallows which could have sunk our ship. Maybe this town has rocks in the shallows that somebody is trying to take advantage of?"
Between Elanna's eyes and Sar'ai's instincts, the pair do spot something out of place. Or rather someone.
There are a lot of people expressing interest in the party, most of the crowd are expressing some mixture of curiosity and hope. But one man watching is quite unhappy to see the group. After a little while he turns and walks down a side street.
At Town Hall, Nighthill spends some time questioning you, making sure he understands the things you have encountered on the way in. He says, "The fort can hold everyone if it comes to it, but it would be beyond cramped, there wouldn't even be enough space for everyone to lie down and sleep. So if an actual attack comes, we need to have advance warning in order to gather them in. They've had this place surrounded for a while now though, they must be waiting on something."
Escobert speaks up, "And then there's this bloody buzzing thing blocking every magical attempt to communicate or discern the nature of our foe. Wellseby's our only expert on magic, and he's been laid up with bad injuries ever since he tried to teleport out of here and bring back aid. You said it got stronger as you approached the town? I don't think anyone here mentioned a variation over time. Is it possible whatever is producing it is here?"
Out of Character: Tallis would like to keep everyone together, but won't make much of a fuss if some of you split off to pursue the person of interest before entering Town Hall.
Poljen nods at Nighthill's words. "When laying siege, even if done without knowledge, usually the objective is to either weaken the target, or at least prevent the target from getting stronger. You have been without reinforcement for sometime, so they could have attacked if that were the case. So I think they are trying to weaken the town." He frowns, the speaks up once more. "But still, you have so much food and water around, that does not make too much sense either, unless they are still building their own forces to some end. But as we rode in, I had a thought. Perhaps there is something in this town they want, but are worried it would be damaged or ruined during an assault. Maybe they have people inside the town searching for something, or a way to move whatever it may be. If they just wished to pillage and loot, they have had ample opportunity. If, as we suspect, they have similar bands on the other roads, keeping them closed, they have enough men to storm this town. Why not get it over with? No, I think there is much more going on than we can fathom without taking a prisoner who can answer important questions for us. How many other roads come into town that may have bandits hiding on them? And what would be the closest path to the mountains?" He finally says to Escobert, "I suspect the magic problem is simply another part of keeping the town isolated while they prepare for… whatever. But as to how it occurs, that is far beyond my knowledge."
Gabriel looks to Onwen, seeing him hanging back and observing things much like himself was. Geoffroy actually smiles at the necromancer briefly, wondering what has been distracting him. Yet this does not last long given his concern though others have been giving good thoughts involving the situation.
The cleric had sent his sister and servants off to take care of the horse as well find a place for them to stay and maybe get some information giving them the coin needed for such. Perhaps they could offer some insight on what is going on from those they came upon, and if asked they could explain that they were with Geoffroy.
Yet for the squire he had asked that Elyria return once finished with his mount as Geoffroy did not want to see her be out of sight for too long, the cleric still unsure how safe she would be here. Still, it was about time he actually did more then just stand back and not involve himself. With such, he does that which he should have done previously by involving himself. With a serious expression, yet a small smile, the cleric introduces himself to Governor Nighthill and Escobert he offers his hand, "Greetings, I am Sir Geoffroy, servant of Lathander of his Order of Morninglords."
Listening as his companions converse, as well the words of the Governor and Poljen, the cleric says, "I agree, I feel there is something they must want, or perhaps that which they are looking for. Whoever is behind this may fear that if they move forward with the assault it may prevent them from aquiring what they desire." Geoffroy offers a nod, finishing his words for now.
Yet he did have another thought and asked, "Do you remember any who stood out or may have looked suspicious before your issues with magic begin and this problem came to light?" The Morninglord did wonder if there might be a way of this strategy might require the town to be infiltrated.
Out of Character: Now sure how I would go about such or what rolls are needed, but I would like Geoffroy's servants and maybe even his sister to a lesser extent to see if they can find anything while about the town. Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Feb, 2017 - 11:52pm
Lia eyes Poljen and Targul with some surprise. They both seemed very knowledgeable regarding the situation Greenest found itself in. Some of the things they had mentioned she had not thought of herself. " You two surprise me from time to time. " Lia winks at them.
Lia walks into the keep with the others. She smiles brightly at Governor Nighthill and Escobert. " It is such a pleasure to meet you two. I have heard such good things about you. My name is Lia. I serve my Lady Sune. I specialize in healing and am glad to offer my services here." Her gaze remains on Governor Nighthill for a moment before she looks to Escobert.
Nighthill says, "It is a pleasure to have so many distinguished guests"
Castellan Escobert confirms that there is just one major road. The one you came in on, it passes through town and continues winding away off to the cities of the east. Other small trails exist, but they lead to outflung farms, logging camps and other like places, rather than out of the region.
The pair state that they're not aware of any people who caught their notice in that time frame, but a lot of people pass through regularly, and neither of them spend a huge amount of time interacting with the people who do so. They suggest asking the innkeepers and local merchants, they're more likely to have noticed something odd.
Likewise, neither of them can think of anything of Greenest's that would be worth the kind of resources and effort being used here. The town has some wealth, but not a great deal. There are also a few relics kept in the Temple of Chauntea, but likewise they're not notable enough to attract this kind of attention. And the town doesn't exactly make bitter enemies of others.
The nearest mountains would be the ridgeline known as the Cloud Peaks. Going due south of Greenest would be the quickest route, and put you on the eastern end of the range, but there's no road going that way. The only established trail there would be to spend several days going along the main road back the way you came, and then take the turnoff south towards the Kingdom of Amn rather than north towards Baldur's Gate. Several other mountain ranges can be accessed by going east instead, but they're considerably farther off.
[Thomaslee, make a perception and Insight check for Elyria and retainers to see how observant they were being, go ahead and use your bonus.] Edited: daishain on 7th Feb, 2017 - 12:07am
Cahleth smirks slightly at Lia's last comment, but tries to keep a professional face. He is attempting to read the faces of the two officials of Greenest before him. Can they be trusted? Do they know more (Or less) then they let on? (Insight below).
As the others of his group make introductions and posit their own theories, he too scans the assembled crowd. He trusts his mates in spotting any "Suspects," instead trying to find a trustworthy face in the citizenry (He ideally hopes to find a Harper to touch base with. Investigation below).
Geoffroy smiles, considering Poljen and Targul as well the wood elf's reaction to their insight before offering his thoughts on such, "When it comes to insight and understanding, it is often just as much experience as book learning. Still, they did offer that which we did not." The cleric was pleased to see the two impress Lia as they did.
It was even more concerning when hearing that the Governor and Castellan did not seem to know why anyone would seek to attack Greenest or who might be causing the disturbance in the Weave. As of yet, they still held so few of the puzzle pieces.
Yet he did have one consideration, "Since it seemed the disturbance got stronger as we came nearer to the city, perhaps it would be possible to use a few gifted in the Arcane Art to go and find where it is strongest." Considering how best to describe it Geoffroy continues, "Like a compass or bloodhound."
Elyria and the other retainers took care of the horse, as well gather up any belongings someone might try walking off with. The other two would go look for an inn and gather information while the squire would see what could be found on her way back though followed the two long enough to have an idea where they could be staying.