Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 67 of 1199

Sar'ai will telepathically try to - Page 67 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 9th Feb, 2017 - 6:28pm

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Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 67

Poljen adds to Cahleth's remarks, "The fort looks sturdy, though the walls for the town would not stand up to an assault. But the townsfolk say they have seen no sign of an impending attack. They just know of the magic-problem, and noticed no one had come into town for sometime. We are thinking of following the road east, to see if there is another bandit camp that way. They say it is the only other major road into or out of town. They are now starting to gather supplies in case a true siege does come." He pauses, then adds, "If we go east, can your other scout join us? More eyes that can move unseen through the trees would be welcome."

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Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 12:10am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Lia walks down the stairs behind Glori studying everything as she descends. Thanking the dwarf for escorting her down to the medical ward she smiles cheerfully at the grievously injured man. It pains her to see someone injured like this but she keeps the smile on her face. " Hello, I'm Lia. I am a faithfully servant of Sune. I'm here with a party from Baldur's Gate. A group who has reason to be believe that Greenest is a target for a possible raid asked us to aid Greenest in any way possible so here we are. " Lia tries to make him more comfortable and at ease.

After a few minutes of small talk with Wellesbey she gently begins to ask him a few casual questions. She strives to be as gracious as she can and doesn't wish to alarm him. Lia keeps a cheerful disposition the whole time and tries to brighten his day as she speaks with him.

Out of Character: : She will ask him what unusual things he noticed about the magical block and did he notice anything strange before the teleport scroll failed. She will share with him what the party discovered regarding what does and doesn't work regarding magic. The cleric will mention to him about the mage they encountered with the bandits and ask if he has any idea who is behind this magical block or where it could be originating from.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Feb, 2017 - 12:10am

9th Feb, 2017 - 4:08am / Post ID: #
Zarra Glannath
Arcane Trickster 9
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Quiet Shadow says...

Elyria nods, seeing the point the wood elf before saying to her friend, “That is true Lia, I guess I just thought that even among the deities of good there was competition and rivalry.” On the cleric's words of her hair, the squire offers, “Perhaps if we have the time we could set some time aside for you to help get myself presentable?”

One what they would do on entering, Geoffroy replies, “I to will look for clues and speak with clerics and servants. There is a lot of ground to cover.” It appears they already had a plan, though there was much yet to have revealed.

"It is a very peaceful place," Geoffroy agrees with a smile, feeling a calm he had not felt in a while. He does not give a sigh of bliss like Lia, but he does allow himself to relax. He sees the wood elf go to the alter of Sune, watching as she kneels to pray before it and looking to his sister. The two would kneel and pray, much like the wood elf has though not before lighting a candle.

Geoffroy would speak among the clergy there before heading to the library and discuss the situation with Lyndis. Seeing the half elf was heavily pregnant, the cleric would go out of his way of being helpful as if there was one thing his church though the importance of it was child birth as it was in so many ways the strongest expression of a new beginning and dawn.

Specific Action: He will try to learn what he can, both from those in the temple counting Lyndis as well perhaps even see what he recalls on the religion Chauntea. He will also see if anything stands out as he goes about the temple and within the library.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 9th Feb, 2017 - 4:10am

Zarra Glannath Results:
  • Perception on D20 (+2): 6 (1 roll)
  • Insight on D20 (+4): 19 (1 roll)
  • Religion on D20 (+2): 17 (1 roll)
  • Investigation on D20 (+0): 7 (1 roll)

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 4:50pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Page 67 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Wellesby has some difficulty talking, but says, "I'd ask if I were dead, but Oghma doesn't send angels last I checked, what can I do for you?"

The injured man listens for a while, wheezing slightly, he shares what he's worked out. He's fairly certain that the disturbance in the pattern of the weave is causing some spells to be unstable. Casting it as a ritual gives the caster a chance to compensate. But he theorized that any spells using the weave as a conduit to communicate with another plane (As with augury and other spells used to contact deities) would be impossible, ritual or no. In the case of his accident, the Teleport spell seemed to come together at first, but then collapsed just as the effect started to envelop him.

He unfortunately has no theories on who is behind this, and did not get a chance to search for the source. But he is fairly certain that this effect is designed rather than simply used.

Geoffroy recalls that Chauntea, also known as the Great Mother, or the Grain Goddess, is principally a deity of fertility, life, and growth. Her clergy is mostly female, and they celebrate the birth of new life over all else. Most of Chauntea's worshippers are farmers of one kind or another, as her blessing is sought after for good harvests, strong young calves, and the like. He also knows that Chauntea and his own god Lathander are known lovers. The clerics here likely spend much of their time outside of the temple, working alongside the people in the fields.

Much of the knowledge found in the temple is related to the work done by the clergy. Lists of women with child, along with notes on any particular precautions recommended. Records of farm harvests. Books on tending the land, from proper irrigation to ideal planting times.

There is also information on other deities, including Mask and Tiamat, whose names have come up on the way here. (Between your Religion check and the information here, feel free to look up and use any information you think is relevant from the following Wiki category Source 6f

Geoffroy does not find a true historical record of a disturbance like this. However, he does stumble on a reference to explorers to the Underdark reporting that some spells don't work in parts of that region. There isn't much detail, probably because surviving visitors to that realm are few.

The cleric's research here takes time, and he finds that an hour has passed when done with his initial search. He can cease for now and see what others are doing, or he can spend more time reading in hopes of finding something else.

Onthar is pleased by the news, "Well, that's something at least, I half expected to find an army between us and the town, beating on the gates. No sense in wasting time though, onward! We can rest when we get there."

The caravan pushes on. It will take another hour and a half before they reach the walls.

Sar'ai and Cratol spend some time going up and down streets, narrowing the search area. Eventually, they find themselves poking among a cluster of seven buildings. Sar'ai is fairly certain the epicenter is here, but can't narrow it down any further. Elanna gives her master a mental nudge, and directs her attention to an alley between the buildings. The man they noticed before, the one unhappy to see the party arrive, is there. He is kneeling behind a low fence, and seems to be fiddling with something on the ground. He does not seem to be aware of your presence at this time.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 9th Feb, 2017 - 4:59pm

9th Feb, 2017 - 5:35pm / Post ID: #
Sarai Tzzerit
Rogue 2 Wizard 2
Loner / Center
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

The Shaper of Thoughts says...

"Hmm, the magical signature seems to be centralized around this are… " Sar'ai is interrupted by her familiar with an interesting development.

The half-drow whispers to Cratol, "Act casually and follow me around this building." She motions to the monk to follow her to just in front of one of the buildings creating the alley the man is in. Once there the wizard continues in a hushed voice, "I am going to need you to stand here and act as if we are having a conversation. Elanna has spotted someone that we noticed on our arrival in this town that seemed suspect and I am going to use her to get a better view of what he is doing just down that alleyway. I will not be able to hear or see, however I will be able to communicate what I am seeing through Elanna."

With that, the wizard's eyes seem to gloss over as she takes control of Elanna's senses and instructs the dark feathered owl to fly up quietly to a vantage point above the alley to get a better view of what the man appears to be doing.

Attached Image Edited: Brandonfett on 9th Feb, 2017 - 5:36pm

Sarai Tzzerit Results:
  • Stealth on D20 (+3): 20 (1 roll)
  • Perception (adv) on D20 (+3): 4, 4 (2 rolls)

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 6:01pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread

Cratol nods and stands next to her and acts as if they are having a private conversation by tilting his head towards her like he is whispering to her or her to him. He nods his head yes or no a few times to give a better impression that something is being said. He does whisper to her. "This is for show". He then places his arms about her and pulls her in for a nice embrace making it look as it they are together.

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Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 67

Elanna spots a mouse running down another alley, and her instincts get the better of her. The owl goes swooping down after prey rather than checking out the suspect, much to the frustration of the wizard watching through her eyes. Elanna returns a few minutes later, with a tail dangling from her beak.

Out of Character: wow, two nat 1's on an advantage roll. Don't think I've ever seen that happen before.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 9th Feb, 2017 - 6:24pm

9th Feb, 2017 - 6:28pm / Post ID: #
Sarai Tzzerit
Rogue 2 Wizard 2
Loner / Center
Character Sheet ◀
Retired Retired

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 67

The Shaper of Thoughts says...

Sar'ai will telepathically try to redirect Elanna's attention to the task at hand, scolding her all the while…

Out of Character: well, she's not a real owl, but perhaps she's been in this form for too long and it's staring to take an affect… and, yes, quite unfortunate nonetheless… (Laugh)

Also, I like how Cratol is kind of taking advantage of Sar'ai as she can in no way know that he is doing that. (Laugh)
All he might hear is a sudden curse in Elven as Elanna becomes distracted….

Attached Image Edited: Brandonfett on 9th Feb, 2017 - 6:34pm

> TOPIC: Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread


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