While the brawlers give the dragon its last rites, Ignazio wanders over to Zara, clearing the grime and hair from her face. He then conjures a single orchid and leaves it in her hand.
While doing so, he hears the barbarian begin to rant. At first, Ignazio begins to chuckles. By the end, Ignazio bursts out into full laughter for the first time. It sounds pleasing at first but eventually begins to make everyone uneasy as any mirth falls out.
Looking at Poljen, he states "You are a child. A big man-child. I am surprised these people let you carry anything sharp. Look around. Look at the victory we just gained and the cost. Who do you think you are to lecture us? Go to the corner and be quite, man-child."
He then turns to Nikolaous, "After you wipe his slober off, can we claim your item and leave?"
Velon steps up to his mighty friend and says quietly. "I could feel the chill of the dragon in my bones even before it's icy breath struck us, I'll admit. I was also keeping my distance as planned, at first. I share your frustrations though. I would speak with you more on this later in private, if you would allow." He shoots a glance towards Cratol briefly, giving Poljen a hint as to his meaning. "I will also pray to Bahamut to allow me to heal you from afar, for next time."
When Ignazio speaks, Velon will put a hand on Poljen's chest if need be to help keep him calm and will simply say loudly and sternly. "Don't. This man has shed far more blood for us than he has shared frustrations. You do not know."
As the dragon collapses Lora dismisses Blink with irritation. She shakes her head and mumbles about tests of faith. Seeing that everyone is up but the drow, she wonders over to investigate. Observing her condition, Lora sighs. Even though Zarra didn't care for Lora's god, Mask was the God of thieves. She stood quietly over Zarra as she asked Mask to help her soul reach the destination that Zarra desired.
Curious about the dragon's wealth, she clambers up on the ledge and investigates the treasure that is now theirs. As she searches this loud ranting disturbs her. Her eyes widen as she hears Poljen complaining about people not healing him. A laughter ensues and after hearing Ignacio she grimaces." Oh no. This won't be good."
. Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Jan, 2018 - 4:15pm
As the final words are spoken by the magnificent creature, Lawrance cannot help but shed a tear at it's end. Speaking loudly to Glazhael, he says "You have most certainly left your mark on the world, Glazhael, and many are those who have trembled at your existence, but your time is done. Go and join your mistress and tell her that her attempt to cross back into the world is doomed to failure, for at every turn and every age there are those like ourselves barring the way."
Watching the final blow delivered, Lawrance calls back Gamliel and turns to his companions "Shall I start melting the ice and free up the horde, while others heal? I cannot help with healing, so I should do something while you all rest. We should consider spending some of our gains on a raise from the dead for Zarra, as well. She truly gave her all to see this through, and deserves to not pay the fullest price." Edited: Gknightbc on 2nd Jan, 2018 - 4:38pm
You could swear that the space around Ignazio darkens. He scowls and says, "Am I supposed to be impressed that he has shed vast quantities of blood? Is that what you consider virtuous? Because I don't. I will not stroke his pride and I will not apologize. We all played our part and we all suffered for it." He then looks at Zarra and quietly says "Some more than others."
Poljen scowls and practically growls when he speaks. "You do not know us. I am SUPPOSED to be the one who bleeds, so the others do not have to. So they do NOT suffer such a fate," he gestures at Zarra's form. He feels Velon's hand on his chest and Lora's on his shoulder and immediately calms a bit. He glances at Nikolaos and says, "If you feel the same, take your relic and be gone. I'll even help chop it free from the ice if that is where it lies." His rage already fading his arms slump and he realizes he is gripping his sword very tightly. He wipes it clean on his wool pants and sheathes it. Once more he turns to Velon.
"I'm sorry for my outburst. Tell me what I should do to help next. Help search the hoard? Go let the spirit of Esclarotta know we have won? Or simply stay out of the way.?"
He also acknowledges Lora. "I am glad I was able to free you from that trap." He summons up just enough energy to waggle his eyebrows once and says, "Maybe this time YOU shall reward ME, eh?"
Knowing that the heat and violence of the battle still boils in the veins of his fellow combatants, and that it will soon subside, Lawrance begins to heat up the objects it the ice, melting the various crates and containers. “We should certainly inform the Queen of our success and let her know how close she is to her final passage onwards. How much farther is it to the keep? Can you deliver the mask via teleport and come back to that keep quick enough? Once we’ve landed, it will be a while befor we can summon a replacement power source to fly it. Not to mention the raising of Zarra will take time. “.