Velon follows the others, covering the rear with Tazskan. He wonders how Cratol and Lawrance know to take such measures not to look at the statues. 'Respectful, I guess?' he thinks to himself. He will of course follow the lead of the more informed members of the party and keep his head down as well, not saying a word in this hallway.
Velon enters the next room and sees the doors and the activity of Nikolaos and the others. "So, where have they gone? Did they clear the 'safe' area first, and then move on to the right hand door?"
Perry, who is still sticking with Lia in the back, turns to her and asks, "Shall we?" He respectfully makes his way to the other room with his head down, imitating Cratol and the others. Once in the other room, he keeps his distance, being careful not to disturb anything, while the others are investigating.
"I guess it all depends on if they know they are being followed. I'd rather not overthink it, and just assume they know the door is safe and they went through it, but I am checking for signs to confirm this. Zarra, f you'd be so kind, could you also check to see which path they took? There's this hunter's method I've heard tell of that I think you might find useful."
Specific Action: Aiding Zarra to track with History. Advantage and +3 also, DC 15 (For Zarra's use).
Lia nods." Let's go." She walks through in imitation of the others as well. Upon entering the next room she gazes curiously upon all the doorways. She will stay back and watch for any potential ambush or trap activating.
Mari walks through head down as well. She will examine the various doors curiously as well. Her hands grip the hilt of her swords tightly. Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Feb, 2018 - 7:57pm
Seeing that the statues did not offer reply to her, Zarra will be uncertain if it was safe to proceed. Before stepping forward, she will say softly, "Please, we seek not trouble but to prevent those that would abuse power from gaining the knowledge they seek. That which could end very world as we know it." The drow hopes this will ve enough, humble in knowing that there was much that she did not know before moving forward to keep up with the others.
Looking closely at the double doors. Do they open into this room or open away from us. Do they look like they have been opened and then closed again to appear undisturbed? Cratol is not sure which way we need to go but he will not open any door until everyone is ready to continue on.
It looks like there are signs of recent passage through both of the smaller doors.
The big double doors are another story, it is obvious they didn't pass that way, but that is likely not by the cultists' choice. Whatever has caused the doors to bow out warped the hinges. It appears possible to open the door anyways, but it will not at all be an easy affair. Poljen, Velon, and Taz at their best couldn't manage it alone.
Zarra still does not receive a response, but nothing happens if she passes through anyways. She does not receive the warning in the hall with the statues however.
Out of Character: Seath, Lawrance has the historian feat, which among other things lets him add +3 to a roll if he passes a DC 15 history check.
Also, guys, I've updated the map spreadsheet to show your progress. The link is still in my SRD page. The section in green represents the ruined copper doors.