Looking to Mari, there will come the question, "Are you searching you want to continue company with a drow that says so little." Zarra offers a small smile at this, as if she meant it to be humorous. Still ambushing the Prince had a lot of promise, and the two had work well enough together before. She didn't have much to add for the discussion of strategy and planning, but once the decision was made she would follow instructions.
"Oh crap, that's right!" Perry exclaims. "Guys, Taz will be away from us for a time dealing with some clan Daren… clan Dairy… clan Duranduran business!"
"He gave me a diamond and some gold to hold on to while he's away. Bad timing with the whole dragon fight I know, but it seemed really important to him. I hope he can help them figure out what's going on."
Mari grins at Zarra." Being quiet and not saying much is a big plus in our line of work. With good fortune maybe the prince can be sent to the after life with no warning. He seems very elusive but if he isn't aware we are there.... . I prefer attacking people that aren't expecting it. It's what I do." Mari laughs and pushes her blond tresses from her face.
Lia smiles at the others." Remember also that I wasn't with you during the battle with the white dragon. Poljen's girlfriend didn't specialize in healing like I do." Lia looks at Velon and Poljen." I will put the ward against death on you again Poljen. Velon, we will use the links between our rings to make you harder to hit and to let me share any damage you might take. Hopefully you have been working on your dodging since our last combat." She studies him doubtfully then breaks into a laugh.
Perry agrees with Poljen, "We must be rid of this foul, evil item! But this chest seems to have taken hold of it. CURSE YOU, INANIMATE OBJECT!"
Perry shakes his fist to the sky. "You shan't defeat the might of the Silver Blaze with your parlor tricks!"
"Perhaps," The drow admits, though offers as well, "Still, I often find myself too quiet." Involving the chest catching fire, Zarra will consider before asking, "So what shall we do with it?" She was curious what ideas the others may come up with.