Cahleth waves off anyone looking to heal him, "I'm fine really, save your powers for those who really need it."
To the group in general he adds, "Well said Geoffroy. Sar'ai has her quirks, but she's one of us. We've already been through a bit together."
Sar'ai looks the human in the eyes and replies with a scolding tone, "How many did you inform before bolting into the midst of the enemy under a shroud of invisibility? Were it not for your sheer stupid luck, you'd be dead… " the half-drow moves further beyond the barricade, "My reasons for being out there was to gather intelligence of our enemy before striking at them, which is apparently not a tactic that you seem to grasp!"
Without looking back she yells to the rest of the group, "Our stand can not be made here. Their number is too large. We should take up defensive positions in the fort while we still have the time do so with the flames providing us some cover."
Sar'ai will continue to dash toward the fort with or without any of the rest. Edited: Brandonfett on 10th Mar, 2017 - 4:43pm
Poljen simply cowls as Sar'ai runs past the barricade and keeps going. He once more faces the gates, ready for signs of the enemy. Then he blinks suddenly and turns to the others. "When we fall back from here I will head northwest. I need to see if the old woman who feeds the pigeons is safe and heading for the fort. I feel we owe her a debt. I will meet you all at the base of the fort."
Cratol overhears Poljen. "Where does she live I will go see to it that she is safe inside the fort or escort her there. You are better at range weapons than I am so I will not be very useful until they are close by. I can work on getting people safely to the fort."
Poljen's usual grin returns at Cratol's offer. "Excellent!" He gives the monk basic directions and a description of her home and appearance. "Tell her to move as fast as she can if she is not already heading that way! Tell her I will see her inside the fort." Poljen now feels even more confident.