Poljen grins as they seem to have it figured out. "As long as it stays this way we should be fine. But I think we should make sure of the number of circles. If this gnome is as clever as I think, I would not put it past him to lull us with the same pattern, but then, say, have us leave the 4 circle fountain on blue and find another four circle. Maybe the circles do not need to progress, but they are indicating the next color to take. The first one had 1, and the first color was red. So let's just make sure the numbers equate with the color we choose." The big man appears slightly solemn, still worried there is more to this maze than a simple repeating pattern.
Last time Blue didn't work here and set us back to one circle. Lawrance, what do you say we try something different, like Green? If it sets us back to one, then we will rush quickly back here to the fourth circle and try either Red or Yellow until we get to a fifth circle.
Well I'm not opposed to trying Blue again if you guys really want to, but if it takes us back to one circle then let's make our way back here and try Green, okay? And if that doesn't get us to either five circles or out of this maze, then we'll repeat this process and try either Yellow or Red until one of those two conditions is met. Now let's move quickly before Citizen Spits over here attacks again and see where we end up.
Perry communicates this over the mental connection as he moves behind Velon, interposing the paladin between himself and the fountain.
Out of Character: So the plan this time is, Blue. If that doesn't work then we get back to same place via Red, Green, Yellow. Then we try Green, and if that doesn't get us to five circles or out of the maze then we try Red or Yellow and repeat this thing as necessary.
"Keep moving, it's not safe to stop."
Velon takes the party through the pattern to fountain #4 again, but then turns around and backtracks. He's curious to see if they go back to #3, to #1, or to the original entrance path with the plinth."
Out of Character: . Daishain, you have not emphasized the other of the colored pathway options leading from each fountain, at least not since the second or so. I thus sort of assume it is not critical, but shouldn't assume. Is it always consistently R-G-Y-B, left to right?
As the party backtracks, they find themselves by the plinth with the glass gems once more. It appears to be unchanged.
Out of Character: yes, the path colors have been consistent.
On seeing the plinth, you guys can make a raw wisdom check. Edited: daishain on 21st Sep, 2018 - 7:25pm