Hearing Sir Onthar bark out orders almost made Targul want to stand up and salute, as well. But, remembering that he didn't actually report to him as a sailor, he kept his seat.
When Sir Onthar calls for the wagon train to move forward with soldiers guarding the wagons, Targul thought, "Hey, I can do that!" and moves to the front of the line with Polgan.
With Polgan taking up a position on the left with his shield, and since Targul has no real scouting skills, he will stay more to the right to make sure both sides of the caravan are covered.
Geoffrey steps forward as well, the morninglord placing a hand on Lia's shoulder, before saying to Sir Onthar, "Not only could her impatience of cause harm to one of the Silver Blaze, but she destroyed whatever could have been valuable clues to what may come."
Looking to where Miruvial had gone last he continued, "We need to work together, trust each other. From Lady Miruvial display just now, that may be more difficult." The cleric sighs, looking considering the situation..
Turning his gaze back to the paladin he says, "Of any case, I am willing to go to where you need me. Perhaps defending the front?" Geoffroy offers as he tries giving a small smile, as he tries offering a calming influence over Lia given her upset. Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Jan, 2017 - 12:26pm
Cahleth slowly releases the tension on his bow string, just as the tension in the air is dispelled by Sir Onthar. The man is right, we need to keep our wits about us and this infighting only makes us more vulnerable.
Cahleth, looking to put the incident behind him, quickly volunteers to scout the trail. A little time focused on something he is good at is a welcome change from these countless days of traveling.
With that, he quickly moves ahead of the caravan staying off to one side of the trail, putting his Natural Explorer abilities to work. Keeping an eye, and ear, out for anything amiss. If there is something out here, he will find it before it finds his mates.
Still a bit vexed by the sorceress's ability to conjure a bolt of flame, Sar'ai heeds the paladin's order and with a slight wave of her hand a dark-feathered owl with seemingly glowing amethyst orbs where it's eyes should be materializes in a whisp of purplish-black vapor on her shoulder.
"Elanna, my dear, do as Sir Onthar here has requested and give us some more 'eyes in the sky' as it were." The half-drow let's a small smirk creep across her lips, "Oh, and do leave the gnome's raven be. I don't want to have to pay for another one of your jealous outbursts again… " Sar'ai winks at Ichi. Then with that, Elanna stretches her wings, nearly three feet long from tip to tip, and then leaps into the air. Maintaining an altitude of about eighty feet and encircling the caravan, Elanna relays anything she sees back down to Sar'ai via their telepathic link.
Out of Character: I will have Elanna do a perception check once in the air.
Sir Onthar sighs, "I am quite disturbed by her behavior as well my lady, and will be talking with her when the situation allows. However, unless she actually does try to bring harm, please leave her to me." The paladin looks towards where the sorceress has retreated, near the rear of the column, and says in a regretful but firm tone of voice, "That said, if she does turn on you or anyone else, do not hold back. We will have to continue this later Lia, please find a place where you think you can do the most good."
The paladin suggests that Geoffroy take up position near the middle of the left hand shield wall, so that he's in a position to render aid.
Cahleth begins working through the woods on the left hand side of the trail. It isn't very long before he finds something, almost stumbles on it actually. Well hidden at the base of a tree is a wiry man dressed in worn dark brown leather armor. He's in a position where he can easily observe the trail. The ranger fails to notice him at first, but also escaped detection by his counterpart. So both men are surprised when Cahleth passes by the tree only 20 feet away. The scout says 'oh [crap]!', and reaches for a shortsword as he tries to get back on his feet.
High in the air, sharp eyed Elanna sees many things of interest:
-About a half mile to the north appears to be be a large pile of bodies being picked over by scavengers, including the crows spotted earlier.
-Well east of the group's current position are two camps, positioned a few hundred feet off of the trail on either side. Each camp appears to contain somewhere around 20 individuals. They look like bandits, if fairly well organized for that sort.
-Near the northern camp is a collection of wagons and carts, far more than would be needed by a group this size, and few of them are of the same kind.
-Also near that camp is a walled paddock of sorts. Several people are within, their movements speak of fear and despair.
[Cahleth, I'm going to need an initiative roll and two rounds worth of combat actions. The man is currently considered prone, so roll any first round melee attacks you want to make with advantage in case you can get to him before he stands.] Edited: daishain on 10th Jan, 2017 - 3:08pm
Cahleth deftly spins around a tree and drops to one knee, nocking an arrow in one fluid motion, sights trained on the would be scout. He loosens the first arrow at the man then repositions himself behind some low brush. Popping up, he fires a second shot toward the man, ducking back behind the foliage as the arrow flies toward its target.
He hopes his shots weren't "Too accurate," for he wishes to question the man once he is immobilized All signs point toward this being some sort of ambush… meaning their must be others nearby. He gives out a distinct whistle that other members of the Blaze would recognize. It is his "I found something" call. Other members traveling in the caravan might mistake it for the noises of a woodland bird.
Geoffroy nods, agreeing to where he was assigned and calls to his squire, "Come Ely, we need to prepare to move forward." The morninglord would also call on his other retainers, making sure they were in a safe position as well help him prepare just in case there was any trouble.
With his sister waking with him, the cleric had prepared at the dawn his spells as well offer morning prayers to Lathander to protect and guide. Often the two had such awakened, as well when able to practice in combat and battle so as to keep up Elyria's training as his squire.
Yet, it was once they were relatively alone now that Geoffroy asks his squire, "Allow others to fight, defend yourself not do not move forward in attack. Until I know what we might face I want you to stay safe."
Growing frustrated with his words Elyria tries to day, "But I can help, you have been training me. Poljen has been helping… " Her brother cut her off saying firmly, "Please, I will decide when you can fight." His words preventing farther complaint from being made, as she simply nods saying, "Yes sir." A distinct whistle could be heard, of which Geoffroy recognized. Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Jan, 2017 - 3:30pm
The man manages to roll out of the way of Cahleth's first shot, and then is sprinting forward. He attempts to strike the Ranger, but misses, and is forced to duck behind a tree to avoid his second arrow. Swinging around, he manages to find a hole in Cahleth's defense, and slashes him for 5 damage.
[P.S. There's a reason I specified melee attacks before. The prone condition grants advantage on incoming adjacent attacks, but disadvantage on attacks coming from further off. It makes no difference in this case though. The man's still up, and is now too close for you to use the bow easily unless you find a way to back off. Your move.] Edited: daishain on 10th Jan, 2017 - 5:45pm