Betsy Devos

Betsy Devos - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 7th Feb, 2017 - 5:43pm

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Post Date: 9th Jan, 2017 - 1:23pm / Post ID: #

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Betsy Devos

Mitt Romney endorses Trump's education pick in Washington Post piece

Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney presented the case for secretary of education pick Betsy DeVos. Ref. Source 6f.

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Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 7:49pm / Post ID: #

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Devos Betsy

Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska both said they would not vote to support President Donald Trump's choice for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, the first two sitting Republican senators to publicly say they wouldn't back one of Trump's Cabinet nominees.

"I simply cannot support her confirmation," Collins said on the Senate floor.

Without Murkowski or Collins, DeVos would need the vote of Vice President Mike Pence to win approval if all Democrats voted against her. Ref. CNN.

1st Feb, 2017 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #

Betsy Devos History & Civil Business Politics

Many Trump nominees have been very experienced and academically qualified BUT with DeVos I think there is a big mistake here. She isn't even familiar with the public school system.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 87 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 8.7%

Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

Betsy Devos
A Friend

Devos Betsy


You are correct, but in her defense she did do quite a bit to rectify problems with schools in her home state. That comes from someone who I know from there and who is a Democrat. The fact that this person had anything nice to say about Devos was quite a surprise.

Post Date: 3rd Feb, 2017 - 12:43pm / Post ID: #

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Devos Betsy

Betsy DeVos' nomination to be education secretary clears Senate hurdle; showdown vote next week

Senate votes 52-48 to invoke cloture on DeVos nomination, ending debate and prompting a confirmation vote. Ref. USAToday.

Post Date: 3rd Feb, 2017 - 3:13pm / Post ID: #

Betsy Devos
A Friend

Betsy Devos

Okay, this is the one nomination I hope fails. I think we can do better. I've heard some good about her from folks from her home state, but her answers were poor and she just doesn't know enough about education.

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Post Date: 7th Feb, 2017 - 5:35pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Betsy Devos

Betsy DeVos confirmed as education secretary after Vice President Pence breaks a 50-50 Senate tie.

The vote ends a pitched battle by Democrats, public school teachers and their allies to derail the nomination of a woman denounced by her opponents as unfit and unqualified to serve. The Senate voted along party lines with just two Republicans casting votes against the nominee. Ref. USAToday.

Post Date: 7th Feb, 2017 - 5:43pm / Post ID: #

Betsy Devos
A Friend

Betsy Devos Politics Business Civil & History

And she is in in what is probably the closest vote ever for a Cabinet member. That the VP had to go there to break a tie because two Republicans broke ranks on this is telling.

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