Falkon the Ranger

Falkon Ranger - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 5th Feb, 2017 - 2:08am

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Post Date: 28th Jan, 2017 - 11:03pm / Post ID: #

Falkon the Ranger
A Friend

Falkon the Ranger

Falkon stands six feet three inches tall with an athleticly toned body. Falkon has shoulder length, wavy brown hair with piercing large green eyes. Falkon has tan skin and a rugged appearance in general. Falkon has chosen to fight banditry and poaching while protecting farming communities by first starting a trade in forestry. Falkon views alliances as necessary to make travel and commerce safe by creating a region of stability. Falkon intends to protect smaller communities and try to unite the country under one banner in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.

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Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 2:07am / Post ID: #

Falkon the Ranger
A Friend

Ranger Falkon

Advisor Description

Falkon stepped outside the tavern, still puzzling over the feeling of being followed. It was early evening and the coins he earned for a little trapping work still jingled in his pouch.
As he turned to move to the stables the feeling comes once more. "Okay, this grows boring," Falkon growled and quickly spun to find his ever present shadow calmly waiting in the street behind him.
"Falkon, hello," the man said as he strode forward. He was about average in height, about five feet eight inches tall. His coarse grey hair was cut short as was his beard. He was broad shoulders with thick arms and wrists and the small white scars on his hands looked to be training scars. He wore leathers and a light green cloak and a heavy short sword was balanced on his belt by a brutal looking throwing axe.
Falkon frowned. This man looked familiar, and he knew who Falkon was. "Who are you, and why have you been following me?"
The man frowned and his brows lowered in a scowl, which quickly reformed into a smile. "Why lad, I'm Liefgar. Don't you remember? I mean I know you've gone out in the world, but surely you remember my training." Liefgar spat to the side and tapped his foot, the scowl returning to his face. "Well lad?"
Falkon closed his mouth and blinked. "Liefgar? Captain Liefgar?"
"By all the gods lad, did you take a blow to the head while tracking down that hog earlier? Yes it's me."
"Why have you been following me? Don't get me wrong, it's great to see you again, but I didn't think anyone knew where I'd ended up."
The captain smiled and stepped forward to lay a rough hand on Falkon's shoulder. "As tot that lad, I left not long after you did. Wasn't hard to track you. You see lad, I'm here to offer you advice. I've been promoted, you might say."
Falkon blinked again, feeling as if he were still several stepd behind the older man. "Promoted? What do you mean?"
"It's quite simple. Your mother took me aside during your early training and asked that I offer my services to you when the time came. You see, she knew what you would eventually try, and since I've already had training with dealing with men and battle, as well as nobility, she figured I would be a good retainer for you."
Falkon couldn't help himself. He began to smile and he clapped the older man on the shoulder. "That's great! I'd love a familiar face, and someone to help me find my way. This isn't as easy as I'd thought."

Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 9:26pm / Post ID: #

Falkon the Ranger
A Friend

Falkon the Ranger Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

My mother, so gentle and kind was always such a driving vorce in my life. Never one to pamper or spoil, as might other noble parents, she sought always to maximize my education.
I think I was lucky to have the tutors and opportunities she provided, from captain Liefgar's physical training to the discussions with wizards and mystics on the esoteric and philosophical aspects of the world.
I've always been attracted to the natural world, and my mother saw an opportunity to bind all of my education with that interest.
She was not only the driving force behind my education, but the one person I could always go to when I felt in need of comfort. Whether a hug, a pep talk or perhaps some of her delicious spiced apple cakes, she always had the answer to my problems.
I believe she was one of the strongest people I've ever known. She raised me practically alone, and though I'm sure she missed my father while he was absent, she never let me see the pain or grief of it. I miss the smell of her flowery perfume and her encouraging words. I miss her approval and her presence. I hope the gods treat her well and that I can continue to make her proud.

Post Date: 5th Feb, 2017 - 2:08am / Post ID: #

Falkon the Ranger
A Friend

Ranger Falkon

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

Lords and ladies of the town,
on Lady Fluke do not look down.
Though strong of body and with a striking face,
this fair haired beauty is the best in this place.
This great lady works hard, which makes her strong,
if you call her manish you should run along.
If help you need then it is your duty,
to seek to aid this tall fair haired beauty.
So come one come all to meet Lady Fluke,
She is no man, a dutchess, not a duke.

> TOPIC: Falkon the Ranger


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