Blind & ROK II Text RPG

Blind Rok Ii Text Rpg - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 6th May, 2017 - 1:51am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Blind Players Visual impaired and Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy RPG
2nd Feb, 2017 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

Blind & ROK II Text RPG

Blind & ROK II Text Role-playing Game

When I first created ROK II I did consider Autism as I am an Autism Parent, but I did not take into consideration someone with visual challenges. Of recent many with visual challenges have joined to play ROK II and I'm not sure how they are able to cope with the interface even though it is largely Text Based. Therefore, I've started this Thread as a means for me to learn what I can do to help someone who is Blind in some way to play and navigate.

NOTE: This Thread deals only with ROK II but I also started a Thread for the Community in general if anyone will like to give input on the site overall then please go t0: Making International Discussions Compatible For The Blind.

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14th Feb, 2017 - 6:30am / Post ID: #

RPG Text II ROK and Blind

Hello JB,

First of all, I wanted to thank you for creating this thread. I joined about two weeks ago, but have only just begun to really get into this game. Thus far, I have found that all the links are labeled, and the text is very simple to read.

The only thing that I haven't been able to fully appreciate (And this is purely due to my visual impairment), is picking out my avatar at the town artist. This I presume is more for the other players' benefit, as well as for questing. For all I know, my avatar is nothing like the character I depicted in my text. However, I don't know how that could be made accessible. I imagine it might take a lot of intense labor to label all of the images used as avatars, and given that this seems to merely be for aesthetic value, I personally wouldn't worry too much about it.

I am totally blind and am using a screen reader (JAWS for Windows) with the browser Internet Explorer, but someone with limited vision using just a screen magnification program like ZoomText or Magic might have more luck picking a fitting avatar for their character.

I am very much looking forward to progressing through this game and seeing how my character fares. I love the writing assignments. They are clever and original, particularly Lady Fluke's commissioned poem about her beauty *smile*.

14th Feb, 2017 - 9:14am / Post ID: #

Blind & ROK II Text RPG Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Usabookworm, I am glad that you are able to use it well because when I first created it I had not thought about those with some kind of visual impairment.

The ROK II Avatar you selected is a crossbow so you are good with that, some of the others with visual impairment chose Avatars that aren't aligned with their Character but since they do not respond to support as you have we left it as they have it.

On a full screen the page is like a magazine and the text is divided into two columns so one would typically have to read down one column first and then go to the top of the right column to continue reading. On smaller screens it shows all as one column. Are you able to follow this well with your screen reader?

For the Character Sheet with equipping items, are you able to do this without much trouble? I ask, because a lot of these require some kind of visualization or at least I could not imagine having to do it without seeing, however that does not mean you can't. I thank you for your feedback.

14th Feb, 2017 - 6:36pm / Post ID: #

RPG Text II ROK and Blind

Hi JB,

I haven't encountered any issues with equipping items. My screen reader displays the items in a list of radio buttons to check off, and then there is a drop-down menu in which I am able to select the part of the body that I want to equip, such as head, torso, etc. I have not traveled outside of the town just yet, and I am curious to see how the map and exploring will work. I think my screen reader changes the layout of the page into a simple layout because it displays everything in a single page, kind of like a word processing document, with added links to go to the character sheet, parts of town, and so forth.
Oh wow, a crossbow? I'm using a sword, but it's pretty funny because I considered using a bow. I just didn't think I could use one while also equipping a shield. The sword skill seems more expensive to train, so I may just switch to be more aligned with my avatar *smile*
One feature which is helpful for forums is to have headings, where each post is preceded by a heading like the [..] forum, though I don't know how difficult that would be to code. It helps because we use the letter H (Generally speaking when on a web page to jump to the next heading) and can quickly find posts and know who is writing what. I find myself a bit confused at times with the posts because everything seems to run together and I have been confused as to which user is writing when the topic becomes more active.
I am sorry I did not find this community sooner. I happened to see the Cozyville Role-playing Game and am disappointed I missed out on it. That one sounds like it would have been lots of fun.

I will definitely try to answer any questions you may have and will also let you know if I come across anything I have difficulty figuring out. I will also see if I can get a few of my friends to register and play or participate in discussions so that we can get a broader perspective since some of them use ZoomText and other Internet browsers.

14th Feb, 2017 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

RPG Text II ROK and Blind

Usabookworm, I am glad you are able to navigate ROK II well enough despite the obvious issues with your Avatar.

I will also be interested to see how you cope with Exploring the Map but do not rush to go there as it is very difficult and better suited for higher levels. You will be relieved to know that every square has co-ordinates on it so you will not be lost.

You mentioned "Forum headings", but I think you are describing the Boards where things are Discussed and not ROK II? ROK II has a very different layout to the rest of the Community so to keep this Topic on track please use this Thread: Making International Discussions Compatible For The Blind when giving input about the Community in general and the current Thread you are on for ROK II. You can please reply to that Thread by elaborating more on what you mean by "Forum headings" and we can discuss it more in that Thread.

I will be glad to have your friends, many persons with visual impairment joined but some of them may be lost or could not find things easily despite me trying to reach out to them. You have been the only one that is helping me better understand how to cater for your needs.

Please bookmark as you go along, although the Community has a "Fav" option your personal bookmark system might be easier to track.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 10:20pm / Post ID: #

Blind & ROK II Text RPG

I have never thought about some that is blind using a site like this but its amazing to know a game like this can really work for someone with visual challenges because its all in text. Great one. How is it working for you Usabookworm?

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 1st May, 2017 - 3:44pm / Post ID: #

Blind & ROK II Text RPG
A Friend

Blind & ROK II Text RPG

Hi JB. I'm sorry I didn't see your post in my introduction thread until a few minutes ago. To date I have had no problems accessing this game, although I have died more than once *laugh*. I am using Jaws with Internet Explorer, and every thing seems good. If I ever get high enough in level to feel comfortable leaving the town, I will enjoy checking out the map.

Post Date: 6th May, 2017 - 1:51am / Post ID: #

Blind & ROK II Text RPG
A Friend

Blind & ROK II Text RPG Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Hi JB. I just wanted to bring something to your attention. Recently I have noticed that an adds frame has been added, and although I have no problems with adds being displayed, the frame refreshing so often is causing my screen reader to constantly move to the frame, making it harder to read the text I need to be reading. I just wanted to let you know about it. Thanks for a [great] game.

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