A friend of mine invited me to play a one off 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons game. It was going to be an all-nighter lasting into the next morning. The only person I knew was the friend that invited me. It was a group of people that he knew. We rolled up low level characters and it began. It was a huge group. There were about 15 people playing. It started out normally until a few different players had to summon the Dungeon Master into the other room for whispered conversations. In our next combat we lose a couple of people. The Dungeon Master was vague on how they died. To make it short, my bard was killed in combat. A short time later I found out she was back stabbed by one of the fellow PC's.
There were several rogues in the group that were evil aligned. They were given approval by the Dungeon Master to steal from, poison and backstab the other characters. The rest of us were never informed it was that type of game until our character was killed. Just terrible. I never played with that group again. I play Dungeons & Dragons to cooperate with the other players, not try to kill their characters.
What bad experiences have you had? Edited: Kyrroeth on 27th Feb, 2017 - 6:31pm
Probably the worst would be playing with this really really disturbing character. A chaotic evil fighter with a penchant for taking trophies among other things.
I could have lived with that much, even if my character was constantly at odds with his. What I couldn't handle was what he did away from the other characters. He would sneak off back to previous battlefields and uh 'enjoy the company' of those he'd slain. The player was extremely explicit in describing exactly what his guy was up to, and took particular delight in making the rest of us uncomfortable. I can't for the life of me understand why the Dungeon Master let him do that. Edited: daishain on 27th Feb, 2017 - 8:00pm
When I first started in Dungeon and Dragons I had a hard time getting a ccharacter to second level. I can tell ypu I went through a lot of characters with a Dungeon Master who did not care if you survived or not. That is where I startedwith making sure that all entry level charcters staeted with max hit points. I think that experience helped me a lot.
While sometimes a friend of mine and I will take our roleplay to some interesting levels I do not think we get very depraved for any length of time. Sometimes to do somethingto make characters angry the Dungeon Master will have ssomething that gets their goat up. I do not think I could play for or with that level of depravity.