Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights - Page 2 of 2

Yes, I agree with you. More than enough my - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 3rd Mar, 2017 - 7:29pm

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Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2017 - 4:47pm / Post ID: #

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights
A Friend

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights - Page 2


You are spot on. I sit and watch the news and how they talk about how long it's taking the Iraqis to retake Mosul. They make it seem like the Iraqi is bad because of this. The fact they are fighting as hard as they are speaks volumes for the Iraqi Army. Mosul is a large city and they are making good progress. I shake my head when people who don't understand military tactics, military limitations, or the difficulty of military operations make statements about how slow things are going.

The Germans and Russian fought in Stalingrad for a year. First with the Germans, a very good army, trying to kick out the Russians and never quite getting it all and then after the German 6th Army got cut off and they still managed to fight the Russians for months after it was surrounded. War is a horrible thing and it is to be avoided unless there is no alternative. War in the city is the worst of the worst and doubly so because of the innocent people located there who are stuck in the middle.

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Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2017 - 5:43pm / Post ID: #

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights
A Friend

Fights Fire Combat Ground Warfare Modern

Yes I agree. Having been in a urban type fight I am one who does not want to do it again and I feel for those that have to do it. I watch and listen to the news and think that many people have no clue to the difficulties associated with it. I will leave that stuff for others to do.

Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2017 - 6:14pm / Post ID: #

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights
A Friend

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights History & Civil Business Politics

Yes, and for JB's knowledge, there are other areas that really inhibit military operations. I'm going to rate the most difficult ones here in what I consider level of difficulty. With the most difficult terrain on top.

Coastal Invasion
River crossing (This goes up if the river is really large and approaches the difficulty of an invasion)
Mountain warfare
Warfare in Arctic environments (This and desert are equal)
Desert warfare

Of course, there are other terrains and I sure may be missing something, but this is my list. Also, it's possible to have two terrains in one operation. Like crossing a river into a MOUT environment or a swamp. This increases the difficulty profoundly. All of this said, even a "Normal" firefight on "Normal" terrain is quite the scary thing. The sounds of fighting all around, bullets literally whizzing through the air so close that you can hear them, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and a friend of yours who you've known for years and would give your last sup of water laying next to you groaning because hot lead went through his abdomen. Yeah, I used some descriptive language there and someone might think I went overboard, but in truth there is no way to describe a firefight to someone who hasn't experienced it. But shocking words help to some degree.

Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2017 - 7:27pm / Post ID: #

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights
A Friend

Page 2 Fights Fire Combat Ground Warfare Modern

Yes, for one who never has been in a fire fight it is hard to describe it. Watching the opening part of the movie Saving Private Ryan can give one a good visual but other than that it is very hard to describe. That being said. I would rather not be in any more fire fights. The few I had were enough for me.

Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2017 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #

Modern Warfare: Ground Combat Fire Fights
A Friend

Fights Fire Combat Ground Warfare Modern

Yes, I agree with you. More than enough my friend, very much more than enough.

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