Georgia Firefighters

Georgia Firefighters - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 4th Apr, 2017 - 8:53pm

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Georgia Georgia Fires
Post Date: 1st Apr, 2017 - 7:55pm / Post ID: #

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Georgia Firefighters

Homeless man charged with arson in Atlanta highway bridge fire that triggered collapse

A homeless man with a lengthy arrest record was charged with arson Saturday in connection with a fiery explosion that triggered the dramatic collapse of a bridge along a heavily traveled section of Interstate 85 in Atlanta. The arson charge was added to an earlier charge of first-degree criminal damage to property following the arrest of Basil Eleby. He was ordered held on $200,000 bond. Fulton County jail records show Eleby has been in and out of jail numerous times on drug, assault and trespass charges. Ref. USAToday.

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Post Date: 1st Apr, 2017 - 8:06pm / Post ID: #

Georgia Firefighters
A Friend

Firefighters Georgia

Sounds like this guy had something against the city and the people of the Atlanta area. I do hope that he gets put away for a bit of time to think about this latest attack.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 8:22pm / Post ID: #

Georgia Firefighters
A Friend

Georgia Firefighters History & Civil Business Politics

I thought I heard where he was burning something to keep warm and fire got out of control. Whatever happened, this has impacted Atlanta mightily.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 8:46pm / Post ID: #

Georgia Firefighters
A Friend

Firefighters Georgia

I am sure it got away from him. He has a history of doing stuff that is not legal. I think he is just trying to cover his butt some by saying he was trying to keep warm and it got out of hand. CYA, CYA that is what people try to do.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2017 - 8:53pm / Post ID: #

Georgia Firefighters
A Friend

Firefighters Georgia

Probably just CYA but I'd like to know what his criminal record is. If it's not arson I'd tend to believe him. In that case he is still guilty but he didn't do it intentionally, so maybe he gets s but if break on sentencing. If there is arson in his background, then that is a different story and he should get a very long sentence.

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