I should corroborate part of this. It was and remains my decision to take anyone who can put together a character sheet, at least with a little help, and as long as space was available. I've long held to the opinion that Dungeons & Dragons ought to be inclusive, something that all should feel welcome to partake in.
I would be a liar if I claimed this policy has not caused me trouble, but on the other hand there are many excellent players who would not be with us if I didn't give newbies some leeway and assistance.
I suppose I could kick out people who haven't shown much improvement since joining, but I'd feel like a heck of a boor doing so. Edited: daishain on 27th Jul, 2018 - 9:16pm
Thanks Daishain. I would tend to lean towards having similar thoughts on Dungeons & Dragons being inclusive. I also think it requires a minimum level of effort on each player's part to participate; a commitment, if you will. In my opinion it is not fair to the Dungeon Master or other players in any game if some players never make any effort to learn the very basics of the game or their class. I'm not talking about brand new players, I'm talking about players that have been in a game for months or more.
In our game we have players that haven't updated their character sheets since March, ran out of spell slots 3+ spells ago but keep casting away, and in general would give many fellow participants the idea that they probably have never read their class description in the PHB at all, not with any intent on truly learning it, at least. Again, I am not referring to people brand new to 5e in recent days or weeks, and I'm not referring to someone whose attack modifier might be off by 1. Unfortunately, as much as I love many other aspects of the campaign, it seems to go widely unchecked except for the veteran players policing it when they can't hold their tongues any longer. I am not one to 'cheat' as I like the challenge of solving the various types of tests the party runs into as a team and often am the first to notice and announce my own mistakes, I'd like to think at least, but I do take all of this as license to basically do whatever I want. The same rules, or lack there of, should apply to all, after all. I take this as permission to never reduce my HP despite taking damage, cast spells that are not on my class list at all, cast spells when I'm out of slots, and generally just throw my rule book in the trash, unless I need to find a cool 9th level spell to cast against Chuth next round, of course. I, of course, don't really want to do any of those things, but I'm sure you can at least understand the perspective.
So I guess I need to know, is this game still going to require people to follow the basic rules, actually read their class description, read their class spell casting rules, read spells before they cast them, and generally make and effort to learn how their class works and keep their character sheet up to date, or is all of that optional and it's kind of just a free for all 'do/cast whatever you want, roll any dice you want' loosey-goosey game that kind of looks like Dungeons & Dragons 5e? If the latter I suppose it is time for me to move on as I'm not interested in playing without at least mostly keeping to basic rules and having a minimum level of effort required (Keep your character up to date, read your class and spells, post a few times a week), and I will thank you for a lot of enjoyment playing this campaign, especially in the first year or so from Greenest to the taking of the castle is it was really very, very good. Edited: Cinder on 27th Jul, 2018 - 10:02pm
Hello moderators. I think we could use an assist. A post I made several days ago has suddenly reappeared as a brand new post (30+ minutes old, that is) in "Daishain’s 5e Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Game Main Thread". Not quite sure how that got there, but no big deal. Could we have it deleted? As of this moment it is the latest post on that thread, page 1085, and begins with "Velon hears Lia’s message and calls for the broom."
Thank you!
Hi Cinder! This was done. By chance do you use multiple devices, phones or browsers to view this site?
Thank you! Yes, I use both my Macbook and iPhone to view posts on the site, and make most but not all posts on the Macbook. I know little of how that might create a glitch here or there, but figure it may be worth noting that I was not on either device at the time of the rogue post. Thanks again!