That's the fun part of it Txt. Instead of playing characters that have stats at the upper end of the scale we play ourselves. We have average scores. It's entertaining to think of what you would do in a situation instead of a character. It would be a chance for character development as well. You don't feel that you stand out and so that wouldn't be interesting to play. You would grow though. Going through these type of adventures the "You " In game would end up being much different than the real " you".
This would be so boring. I am not fabulous in any of the realms so creating a character surrounding my real attributes will be like creating a less than average character. That's the whole reason I love fantasy, I can pretend to be something I'm not.
We are actually in a campaign around this and you'd be surprised how much fun it is. I think we all tend to underestimate ourselves. Oh, and the tension in it is palpable because you can't just role up a new character…
*laugh*, sleeping on the job… that is too funny.
And yes, the fact that you say you are unwise displays a lot of wisdom… add points for that. And my guess is your smart. Points for that. So, perhaps you are a wizard in a play as your self Role-playing Game. Like Raistlin in the Dragonlance series… if you are familiar with that. He was weak and slow and hundred other bad things… but man did he have powerful magic.