Jason shoots with his cross bow taking out a goblin, Ghost takes out another one as does Rachel, Den hits and kills another one Allen misses with his attacks. Ghost is hit with a short sword for 4 damage. The rest miss. There are three left attacking as a fourth one take off running down the right side.
If he is still in view by the time I can bring the crossbow to bear, I'll target the runner. I don't care to deal with reinforcements, or to have to hunt him down later.
Out of Character: That second attack is probably a miss but c'est la vie (Although come to think of it, it should be a 13, didn't include the Inspire bonus from Thomas)
P.S. Thomas, Inspire Courage isn't one of the bard's concentration required songs. Meaning you need to use a standard action to get it started, but can act normally in rounds after that (Casting spells ends the song, but even that is not a deal breaker, as Inspire Courage lasts for five rounds after you stop).
Edited: daishain on 17th Jul, 2017 - 3:53am
Out of Character: It is still a miss with the 13 you need a 14 to hit. Thus he will get away unless Den sees him and can get him before he runs off. Allen Ghost and Rachel are in melee so they can not do anything to take him out.
Deciding to actually make more direction action, I place the lyre by my side and take out my rapier as I try and chase after the goblin working to get away. Hopefully, this decision won't be regretted later as I say, "No you don't, we can't have you escape."
Out of Character: Well in that case, I think the battle will be over in five turns so I will see if I can help take out the escaping goblin. Though I will need to be careful about AoO.
Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Jul, 2017 - 4:10am
Out of Character: KN, I completely forgot to add the +1 from Thomas. If a 14 is a hit then my second attack should hit one also. Can you add that in for us? If you accept this that should leave two left attacking with one escaping. I will target the one that is escaping with both shots.
I see one goblin scurrying off, "Oh no you don't you little flipping rodent." I aim carefully and let fly two shots, both aimed at the would be escape artist.
Out of Character: [By The Way], flipping is probably not the word I'm using at this point…
Thomas would not be able to get to the fleeing goblin without going through a combat zone and have AOO. Both Jason and Den miss the fleeing goblin as he disappears from your sight. Ghost is able to take out one of the remaining goblins almost ripping it in half. Rachel and Allen hit the last goblin killing it. Now that the goblins are dead Thomas can go running after the goblin if he so wishes,.
Edited: KNtoran on 17th Jul, 2017 - 3:52pm
Calling to the others I says, "Lets go, one goblin is trying to escape into the cave!" With hopefully some of the party following, I would move forward quickly with rapiar in hand to try to catch up to the goblin and offer a finishing blow or at least capture the creature.
Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Jul, 2017 - 6:29pm
I yell to Thomas, "Slow down. He may be leading us into a trap. We'll take this slow and methodical from this point forward. I wish we had a flame thrower… I could clear this place out good and proper with a flame thrower and a few Bangalore Torpedoes. Never mind that, let's get back in formation and move ahead, everyone be at the ready. Heads on a swivel now. The chance of another encounter like this one is pretty significant."