I check on Ghost's injury. Seeing that it is minor I stroke his fur softly. " I can't do anything for your wound yet Ghost. Soon though I will. We must finish off these goblins first. " I walk ahead carefully with Ghost at my side. Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Jul, 2017 - 10:20pm
"Hold up guys, that scroll I used just knocked that first bunch out, they'll be waking up again in seconds if we don't finish it."
I'll take out a dagger and start the grim business of ending the unconscious goblins. I hate this, hate it.
I slow down, as Dennis' words were technically true but I wanted to feel I was helping a bit more then I had. That, and the effects of my bardic performance would only last so long. As I keep my eyes and ears focused for any sign of the goblin who was fleeing or any who might be lying in wait I say, "Those may help, but we need to hurry though if we don't want to lose him."
Yet there appears greater need to pause for a moment in continuing so as to take care of the sleeping goblin, and yet seeing my companions slit their throats left a distinctly bitter feeling given how they were helpless. I offer a prayer seeking forgiveness to whoever was listening, as I tell myself it needs to be done, and that them being asleep didn't change that fact we come here to kill them anyway. Still, I hoped that we wouldn't need to do that sort of thing often. Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Jul, 2017 - 2:25pm
After slitting the last goblin's throat, I clean my dagger on my breeches. "Hmm, going to have get these cleaned. I wonder if they have a cleaners guild here or if I'll be taking them down to the stream and pounding them on a rock myself" I think to myself. I contemplate busting Rachel's chops about being the woman and having to do the wash, see the look of determination in her face and think better of it. "Thomas, that wretched creature is going to get away. It's okay. Whatever other kobolds are in here know we are here. That is why this little party was organized for our amusement. It is not going to tell them anything they don't already know. In fact, maybe it'll put some fear into them. I expect there are other parties set up along the way. We'll move slowly and be prepared along every inch of it. But now that we have completed our grisly task here let us not keep our hosts waiting."
I look to the group, "Are we ready to move? We'll stay in formation. Be prepared. Jason, can you cast that again or was it a one shot deal? If all is good, let's finish this." Edited: Abnninja on 18th Jul, 2017 - 5:10pm
I shake my head, "That was it. I do have a few other scrolls but have only one of each type. Unfortunately my best combat scroll after the color spray is worse than useless in here. I don't think anyone would care to double in height right now."
I'll take up position, and get moving. I am trying not to think of the blood staining my clothes, both mine and that of the goblins.
Considering Dennis' words I admit, "You make a far point, fear can be a tool to our advantage." I put away my rapier, feeling a little silly for having taken it out but have it ready just in case I need it later. In considering how to proceed, I listen to what the others have to say as I step into formation.
"Perhaps you could make Ghost even larger then he already is," I offer, considering the already large dire wolf before admitting, "Though at that point the wolf may be too large unless we find a point where he fight in a place within much larger where we fight." I look to Rachel for her thoughts on the idea.