"It wasn't that, simply whether or not we should risk another delay," I say to Dennis, a bit confused by his answer, before continuing, "Of course we need coin. It was simply that we had to wait eight hours when Rachel got hit from the trap."
Looking to Jason, I say, "My mistake, I hadn't realized we were here to loot as well and gather ingredients." It made sense now that it was pointed out, though I would still rather focus on the goblins first just in cause they tried anything funny.
Ah, I see your point Thomas" I say to him. "Well, as long as we are here we may as well take what we can. It's not going to get any lighter or darker in here, so the time of day means little. Of course, we'll be less effective if it takes so long that we get tired." Edited: Abnninja on 19th Jul, 2017 - 9:55pm
We'll head up the hall. Presuming nothing else grabs our attention, I'll hunt for the dart launchers that gave us grief before and see what it will take to disable them. In the unlikely event there's anything worth salvaging from the mechanism, I'll see what I can do about that as well.
Out of Character: presuming previous search roll of 28 applies here.
As you pass by the door that set of the trap you see some cleverly hidden dart tubes in a small notch along the wall sides pointed down the corridor past the doorway. Along the ceiling is a trip wire connected to something behind the door.
The corridor heads 30 feet past the door/trap and then turns right. Thirty feet past the turn there is a door on both sides of the corridor. The corridor continues 30 feet at least past the doors.
I'll first ensure that the trip wire doesn't connect to anything else, and that the dart tubes don't appear to have any other trigger, then cut the wire after ensuring no one is in their firing path.
Once that is done, I'll bid the others to stay back and open the door from the shielded side.
I suspect this is another false door, but I am not inclined to leave this job half done, and am more than a little tired of goblin trickery.
When we get to the corridor with the doors, I'll look to Ghost and his reaction. Edited: daishain on 20th Jul, 2017 - 5:56pm
Noting Jason's precautions, I'll nod my approval. I'll ensure we maintain formation as we move and urge caution as we go. "They've tricked us a few times, keep your eyes open and ears peeled. Especially your ears. If you hear anything odd let us know. Hearing is more important than seeing down here."
Cutting the wire does not do anything to set off any more darts. Yes it turns out to be a false door with a metal spring that tightens the wire and thus releases darts. You will find there are more darts in the tubes.