I grin as I watch Jason work. " Dont feel too badly Jason. They don't exactly offer classes for how to be a Dungeons & Dragons adventurer on earth. We will all improve greatly over time. " I scratch Ghost behind the ear. " Right Ghost?"
"Well, that is a bit morbid," I say, a bit disheartened by the sight but trying to brush it with some slight humor and a forced smile before asking, "Should we check to see if they are alive?" I was uncertain, unsure what we should all do but not wanting to just stand there either.
Deciding to answer my own question, I say, "Hello, are you three alive?" I moved forward to see if I can feel them breathing by placing a hand in front of their mouth or find a heartbeat from the neck or chest since the wrists were probably out of reach. Hopefully I can find some tall tell sign of life.
Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Jul, 2017 - 4:08am
The room is about 10 feet square with the figures hanging on the far wall. The door is in the middle of the wall. When you get over to the figures you see they appear to be young elves. Two girls and a boy. They are breathing but very shallow. It looks like they have been here a bit and not had any food or drink for a long while. The chains are locked tight to wrists over their heads and ankles about a foot off the ground.
"Oh hell. Water, get a bit of water in them, don't let them gulp it down though, sips only for now. Thomas, Dennis, take the crowbar and break open that other door now, there are probably more prisoners"
I'll try to unlock the chains, starting with their wrists to relieve pressure on their lungs, but if I fail, I'll look for weak points by which they could at least be broken away from the wall.
I cry out as I see the children hanging there. I set down my club and shield and pull out my water bottle. I will rotate between them giving them sips of water. Speaking softly to them I say," It will be okay. We are here to help you. Wait just a minute and we will take you out of this cave." I feel tears form at the corner of my eyes at the horrible sight.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 27th Jul, 2017 - 12:42am