As my friends filter out, I resume my work, trying to get back into the rhythm of things as best I can.
The next day, I go see Lywenta, as she seems to have taken charge of the rescued children. If the Lord's wife is there as well, I'll avoid speaking of yesterday's happenings as best I can. When I get a chance to speak with her I say, "Good morning, I had a question concerning one of your charges, Quanthial? Quantialica? My apologies, I hope to get used to the phrasing soon."
"In any case, she volunteered to help me in the forge yesterday. She seemed to enjoy herself, and showed both a good mind and a steady hand. I could use a hand, and she seems to be seeking a purpose. In your judgement, would it be a good thing for her if I took her on as an apprentice?" Edited: daishain on 16th Sep, 2017 - 10:03pm
I reply to Jason and Thomas, "Ah yes, I keep forgetting. I guess I'm still getting used to all of this. I can't for the life of my understand why? I mean we've been here weeks already. I should be completely in the groove. After all, this place isn't that different from Earth… right?" I laugh a bit at my weak joke.
Then I see a quizzical look on Thomas' face and I piece it out. "I assume you are wondering why I'm not healed yet, If you recall, we didn't have much time after handing the head of the spider over to being in front of Lord Douglas. I really haven't had the opportunity to ask much of anything.
Lywenta is there alone talking with the kids and seeing to thier health and their education. When you arrive in the courtyard off to the side you hear them all talking in their strange language. When they see you Qwantithalica heads in your direction. As she gets close to you she says, "Halo me fiend" She smiles brightly at you.
Out of Character: Apparently the previous conversation wasn't quite as done as I thought. Parsing this out a bit:
In Character: To Dennis I say, "Its a little strange for all of us still, but I think it is a little different for everyone. I used to have lucid dreams that are a bit like our current reality, enough so that I keep finding myself wondering when I'll wake up."
"In any case, I have a few proposals for Lord Douglas, but I'll need a few days to clean up some sketches of mine. Will you three join me in meeting him the day after tomorrow?"
The next morning, to Quantithalica, I smile and say "Hello my friend. I need to speak with Lywenta for a moment."
She looks questioning at you for a moment then sees where you are looking. She turns to look over at Lywenta and then back at you. Her smile has faded some but still there. She says something to Lywenta who looks a bit shocked but recovers and says something back to her. Qwantithalica goes over to the others and sits down but keep a eye on you and Lywenta as you walk over to talk to her. "She thinks you want me instead of her", Lywenta explains when you are close. "How can I help you?" When she hears what you have to say she says, "Having something to do is always good for these children even if they are not all that much of a child anymore. Take Qwantithalica here. She will be considered an adult any day know when her first bleed occurs. She is of an age where it can happen any year. Getting her mind on something as a trade can be very helpful for her. She is used to scouting in the woods and was very good at it I hear from the others before they were captured. Yes take her with you and it will help cool her hot jealousy too."
I'm surprised, "Jealousy? Hold on a moment, she has become attracted to me?" I look at the object of our discussion, starting to put things together about her behavior.
"And now I am less certain this is a good idea. I don't want to hurt her, even indirectly. Do you have any advice?"
Lywents smiles and pats your arm. "Just be a friend to her and show her things you would show any apprentice and be fair with her. Many young ladies get a crush on people. She may be looking at you as a potential mate but that does not mean it will not change later on. Oh she is working on learning common so try to help her out in learning by explaining things slowly in common so she can associate what you are telling her with the actions you wish her to preform."