I fidget a bit as the topic strays back to Thalica, "I'm not really saying no, I'm trying to say slow down, get to know me a bit, and let me get to know you. Is that really so unusual?"
"I mean, I get it, a lot of men in my position would be thinking about it with something other than their head. But I'm not interested in meaningless relationships, and it doesn't get much more meaningless than taking advantage of a teenage girl's naive crush."
"I wouldn't really say that's unusual," I admit before also offering, "And it may be equivalent of a naive teenage crush, so it's reasonable to want to be careful." Despite saying that's though, there is something of a smile on my face as I consider an amusement Jason's situation.
I will continue with the words, "Yet perhaps you are also underestimating her, though I can understand wishing to take it more slowly and not take advantage of her. You're a good guy." It was definitely perspective I could understand.
Finishing, I say, "Especially since it is more the norm in our culture for people to take much more time before getting serious, and how many teenagers have rushed into a relationship to later regret it." It was the sort of culture we came from, even though I was more open to considering the differences of how things are here and willing to adapt. Edited: Thomaslee on 29th Sep, 2017 - 3:50am
"Indeed, I might be underestimating her, we'll just have to see I suppose."
"For now though, there are tunnels to explore, lets get ready to head out in the morning."
I'll keep working on the breastplate for a bit, welcoming Thalica back to the task when she returns. Then I'll double check the backpack I've taken to leaving full of the stuff needed for these trips.
I throw Ghost some more food and watch him gobble it up. "The fastest way to his heart is through his stomach. Mine too" I say to Rachel with a wink. "Any idea what we're going to find tomorrow? I hope my idea with the trees works. It should. In Afghanistan we used det cord to cut em down and we angled it in such a way that they fell right where we needed it. It should actually be easier here since the trees are already down… we'll just need the people to make it happen. Do you want to go find Lord Douglas with me after we're done eating and ask him about providing the people?"
Deciding to let Jason be, I go to look for the others though not before saying briefly, "Let me know when you want to talk to her, and I'll be there to help." I then leave to find Rachel and Dennis.
As Ghost begins to eat the Lord walks in to the dining hall and starts grabbing some food. Once he has a plate full he heads your way. Sitting down he looks over at you. "So what did you find out about the trees down by the creek?"