I roll my eyes at Den. I mutter, "He should be a history professor." I have an innocent look on my face when he detects the mutter.
Hearing about the children wanting to go I frown and have the same feeling on the matter that Den does. I think that I can't wait to make longer patrols to avoid having children along. Ghost sits down looking bored. Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Oct, 2017 - 4:50pm
I'm still working in the forge when Thalica returns. I welcome her back with a smile.
After a bit, I start talking about tomorrow, trying to emphasize my concerns. "I'm going to be counting on you to help keep your peers on task. On the spider hunt a few days ago, when that lad rushed off to investigate something, he put us all in danger. Something could have snatched him up and fled, the spider that took advantage of us spreading out could have been a bit stronger and killed someone. Something could even have struck from our rear while we focused on him. In an environment like the caves we're going into, there are additional hazards aside from potential enemies. There could be traps, magical or otherwise, the caves could be unstable. That sort of thing"
"When we get in there, I want you guys to stay together and work together. For the most part, stay by me and be ready to use your bows to support the others. Don't engage hand to hand unless you have to."
"And finally, if it comes down to it, Dennis is our field commander, not me. He is the professional soldier here. Listen to him first. Do you understand?"
I nod my head to Lord Douglas, "Yes, I see that. Okay, we will do in our power to keep them all alive. I guess I'll be learning Elvish when we return from this mission. I take it when we get there in the morning Lwethiala will have a way to get us into the tunnels?" Once Lord Douglas answers that I say, "Thank you. With your permission, may Rachel and I leave and find Jason to give him the good news. He'll be overjoyed to hear his new friend will be going with us so they can spend more time together."
"Thankfully, you have myself when it comes to translating Elven" I'd say with a smile, having kept quiet after catching up with Rachel and Dennis, "Though I am sure Jason could be of help for such as well." A smile grows on my face, thinking in amusement at the situation he is in.
I giggle at Den." You are evil. He will be so glad she is going. At the rate this is going they will be married in two weeks. "' I stop laughing and think for a few minutes." He needs something like that. Jason is very serious. She could teach him how to laugh more." Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Oct, 2017 - 7:08pm
While Rachel and the others are across the stronghold laughing as they plot my love life for me, I'm trying to think of a response to this latest flirtation. For a few awkward moments, my mind goes through several possibilities, including just ignoring it. Eventually I settle on telling a truth that didn't reveal everything I was thinking.
"I was raised to abide by a certain behavior code, a part of that includes not commenting on a lady's derriere."