I laugh at Den." I know.. I know. Old people like history. I guess since they have liveda lot of it. I'm sorry that I wasn't more sensitive."
As Den jokes with Jason while planning the undertaking tomorrow I can't help grinning." Thomas, I see that the touchy situation that Jason is in is progressing well."
"Right then, we'll need a few things"
I ask around for two long and strong ladders, a few 2 by 4's, which I quickly correct to the nearest equivalent, and a good bit of rope. I assure those I'm asking they should have it all back by tomorrow evening, but I'll pay if they're not willing to lend for the cause.
The ladders are just a time saver. A bit of extra structure I don't have to rig up, if need be a bit more lumber would do fine, but would likely double or more the time spent working.
What I have in mind is fairly simple, one ladder forms the base of the structure. The other, braced up at an angle, extends a few feet over the chasm. Stand on the landward end to serve as a counterweight, pull on a rope draped over the top, and you've got a not horrible substitute for a crane. Another person with a catchpole will need to tug the load in closer to land, but that's not the worst limitation for a temporary affair.
When Jason explains himself I ask if the person on the crane can have a pole with a hook too in case there isn't anyone up top. "Maybe we can hammer in a stake that the person on your contraption, that scares the Hell of out of me by the way, can grab to himself to land. Just in case the person that supposed to be up top leaves… or gets taken. After all, this seems to be a pretty dangerous world."
"I was under the impression that Douglas was going to be stationing guardsmen up top until the place was declared safe. If they get chased off, we'll have other problems. But yeah, should be able to get a simple pole lashed on there that someone could pull themselves in on."
I grin, "And if you're scared of the thing, you can always just haul yourself up an ordinary rope thrown over the edge, I was more thinking of Ghost, any wounded, or any kind of cargo we might need to pull out of there."
"Scared, me? I'm an old, according to Rachel, SF soldier who used to jump out of jets and helicopters into dangerous places facing bad guys armed with guns and bombs… of course I'm scared of your contraption!" Edited: Abnninja on 4th Oct, 2017 - 10:43pm
The general store telly you thatthey do not have a lot of ladders he has a couple of short six footers Not much need for anything longer as there is no demand for them. As far as the wood he can get you a few peices of longer poles about 10 feet in length and about 2-4 inches in diameter if that is what you are referring to with 2X4. Rope they have plenty of.
Disappointed at the lack of suitable ladders, I turn to the others, "There were some smaller trees out there right? Somewhere around 4 inch diameter and 12 or more feet long? A few of those should do along with the poles and rope. It'l be a little more work that way, but we can make do. Shopkeep, we're going to need a good saw or two as well, and an axe." Edited: daishain on 4th Oct, 2017 - 10:40pm