"And if whatever it is happens to be capable of grabbing ghost and dragging him further in? Then on the other end, there's the possibility that whatever it is happens to be relatively peaceful, up until we send our attack wolf after it. Or maybe we're dealing with a wight, a creature capable of consuming life with a touch, Ghost would be entirely helpless against such."
"Come on guys, this was supposed to be recon only for the moment, we look before we engage. Give me a minute."
Presuming nothing changes, I'll use an infusion to emulate Dancing Lights. Then I'll send the glowing spheres of light speeding down the tunnel.
“I definitely agree with you Jason. Let’s hold off on the attack until if I even saw anything and if I did if it’s friend or foe. Dancing lights is a great idea. Now, be ready in case there is something and it doesn’t want to get spotted.”
I think for a moment and then add, “And if there isn’t then we’re done here and we can go up top, have a few drinks, shoot the shiste, sit around a fire and make s’mores. Who brought the graham crackers? Thomas, did you get the Hershey bars?” I ask with a grin while keeping my eyes open and my bow aimed down the tunnel.
Out of Character: [By The Way], this is pretty much how soldiers do it. Joking in the face of danger helps to keep jumpy nerves calm. I’m sure KN remembers and can tell a story or three. Edited: Abnninja on 10th Oct, 2017 - 1:08pm