Stepping aside, I quietly speak to Rachel “Rachel, I know from your appearance, habits and Ghost that you’ve aligned closely with the elemental power of nature and all it’s beauty. Can I ask a favour? Now that I’ve entered this realm, I’ve a long time dream that I can finally make happen, and you are uniquely suited to perhaps help. I’ve always wanted to meet a true spirit of nature - dryads, niads, kelpie, sulpha, etc. Is there some chance of such a creature you know that I could talk to, or even see, in this place? I’ve always found peace in the woods, and the thought of actual, living nature spirits that I’d have the privilege of seeing thrills me!
Involving the discussion of Qwantithalica, I will say, "As I had said, my offer to help us still intended, I'm willing to help in this situation. We just haven't exactly had the best time or place yet." With the business involving the tunnels and newcomers, it hadn't come up.
Looking to Jason, I will offer this, "If you like, I could speak with her after practice. Perhaps take her a side and see if I could talk to her about it." It might be a case of taking care of it because of it being brought up, yet I didn't see an issue with such timing. Edited: Thomaslee on 8th Nov, 2017 - 3:45pm
I look at Grant and Vickie and address their questions." The night sky… there is one noticeable moon that is a fair bit bigger than our moon back home. There is another also that you can see. It is very hard to pick out. It is small and black and is hard to pick out if you don't know where to look. It is always low on the horizon when visible."
I stop and purse my lips thoughtfully for a moment." Grant, as to the forest spirits.. I have met none yet. We haven't ventured very far out from this stronghold so far and much of the time has been in underground caverns. I'm sure we will meet some soon. I highly look forward to that as well."
I glance back to Jason." So .. Jason. How will we add the newcomers into our formation. Normally I go in the lead with Ghost and you and Thomas support from a distance. What do you think now as to that with Vickie and Grant?" Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th Nov, 2017 - 1:00pm
I'll shake my head at Thomas' offer, "We're going into a dangerous situation tomorrow. Even if the talk goes well, she is likely to be upset and not focused for some time. That could very easily lead to her or others being hurt. Can someone say otherwise? Seriously, I don't know for sure."
On Rachel's query, I'll say, "All things considered, I was going to suggest that Grant stay by or just behind you Rachel, acting to support you and Ghost in melee. For Vickie I was going to suggest that she use her crossbow in conjunction with myself and Thalica's squad."
"As you choose, Jason. It'll take me a while to get up to speed with your tactics and such, but I'm equally at home with bow or sword, at this stage. I think having a second sword would be better, though, as that will give the enemy force split targets of attention."
"That was a recommendation, not an order Grant. You ultimately need to decide where you're most comfortable for yourself."
"The logic behind what I said is simply while Ghost has been doing the heavy lifting on the front line, he could use someone on his other flank. Between that and the fact that we already have a large number of people working bows from behind… "
"At this point, I'm not sure what my 'comfortable position' is going to be." I say with a grin. "I'll swing my blade up front, for now, and if that proves wrong, I'll reposition as needed. I'll definitely try to avoid over swings towards Ghost, however!"
As everyone starts heading towards the dining hall Qwantithalica will come up the Jason and put her arm through his holding his hand. "I heard you talking about me lover and how you kept looking over at me. I know it is hard being apart at times but I think I should come help warm you bed soon. That way we will not be so far apart all the time. That is unless you do not want me?"