Given how the others have gone off to do there things, I decide to try to do a bit more research and investigation of my own. There was a lot we still didn't know, not only abut the tunnels or this world but even of Lord Douglas and his staff or family. The fact that they had traveled somewhere else, teleporting the castle and everyone within. The issue was, is that I wasn't certain I wanted to confront out host on my questions just yet. As such, I will head off to the library and see if there was a record of some sort there, perhaps even ask for assistance in such.
Finding that odd, I will ask softly, "Well then, in that case is Lord Douglas available by chance? If not the library, then perhaps I would speak with him." I wouldn't go and press the issue about entering, understanding not to mess with guards in general.
I will follow the directions as give and when arriving at what I hope was the correct door I will offer a knock, and pray that I am not disturbing the man during the bad time. My thoughts would go to how it was at this time I had so many questions that the library was closed.
"Greetings Lord Douglas, my apologizes if I am intruding though I had a few questions that I seek clarity on," I will say with a respectful bow, before continuing, "I had hoped to research these in the library but it appears to be unavailable at the moment. Could we speak?" Hopefully, he will have some time and could offer some insight.