She speaks to you both in elven She has been speaking to you in elven all this time
"Finding is something that is rare and is special to the elven culture. Many do not understand it as much anymore as it is been getting more and more rare at all times. In the times past the finding was a way to help many of the elven tribes come together when there was much strife and war among the races. This was long before the split that forced some of our brothers and sister to flee underground and thus become the dark elves or Drow as most call them now. Back then it was necessary to stop wars and the findings were many. As elves found each other the other halves of their souls strife became less and we began to understand our long lives. Does this help answer some of this for you?"
"It is a start. Quantithalica has experienced a finding with me. Do you know of anything regarding this bond occurring with other races?"
"I mean no offense regarding your traditions, but it is not something that happens with my race, at least not those from my world. I would know what I can and do what I can, for her sake, as well as mine."
Qwantithalica looks to Lywenta "Beflavtkromithala gave me a purple potion to give to Jason. I am uncertain if He would be willing to take it. I know he is not a elf and his life is short. I would love the chance of the change causing him to be more like me. The findings are still working even after all of this time I love him with all of my heart and soul. I would do anything for him. I have never seen a finding in my life and my friends do not understand it. They feel that I am going to be heartbroken soon. But I do not care."
Lywenta looks at Qwantithalica with compassion, "The purple potions are not something to take or give lightly. The changes can cause you to be better or worse or even unchanged each one is different. Where they came from I can not tell you but some are always found here and there. I am sure that Beflavtkromithala told you of this."
Qwantithalica nods to her
Lywenta turns to Jason The findings do not occur with any other race that I am familiar with. So far only elves experience it. They do at times experience this with other races but it is not found in the other races at all."
I'll hold Thalica close and tell her, "Some things are difficult to change, but I have no intention of leaving sooner than I must, and breaking your heart is the last thing I would ever choose. This world is one of endless possibilities, we will find a way."
"A small confession, I have been anticipating finding ways to extend my lifespan in a manner I find palatable ever since I arrived here. Even living in a world with no longer lived races as a comparison, I always found the limitations on my life difficult to accept. There are a few methods I can think of that should work safely enough and with no consequences to speak of, but I have much to verify first."
"This potion you speak of, what is its function?"
Lywenta looks to you. "If Qwantithalica has a purple potion in her possession it can be a interesting potion. It can change everything about you or nothing in you. This includes sex, abilities, race and many other things. These potions are unstable and no one knows what each one will do. If you decide to take it you may come out still as a human or something else entirely. I have seen some becomes Orcs or even halflings. Others worse."
"And from the sound of it there is no way to predict what changes will be made? Sounds like a Reincarnation spell to me, if in a form that skips the need to be dead first."
"Thalica, if you are asking whether or not I would be willing to change form, I can honestly say I do not know. My body is not who I am, but it is nevertheless not something to discard lightly."
"If I were to do something of the sort however, I would greatly prefer to have a say in what the changes are, and it would seem that this potion is more likely to make matters worse than to improve our situation. I think we should place our hopes elsewhere."
"Lywenta, is there anything else we should know?" Edited: daishain on 25th Dec, 2017 - 3:54am